发布时间:2016-12-29 来源:查字典编辑

改造办法是自己写一个控件,让它继承GridView或Repeater,并实现IPageableItemContainer 接口。下面要发的是国外某高手写的代码,测试有效。具体使用的时候,要建一个类库项目,把代码编译成dll后,就可以添加到VS的工具箱里了!


复制代码 代码如下:

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace WYJ.Web.Controls


/// <summary>

/// Repeater with support for DataPager

/// </summary>

[ToolboxData("<{0}:DataPagerRepeater runat=server PersistentDataSource=true></{0}:DataPagerRepeater>")]

public class DataPagerRepeater : Repeater, System.Web.UI.WebControls.IPageableItemContainer, INamingContainer


/// <summary>

/// Number of rows to show

/// </summary>

public int MaximumRows { get { return ViewState["MaximumRows"] != null ? (int)ViewState["MaximumRows"] : -1; } }

/// <summary>

/// First row to show

/// </summary>

public int StartRowIndex { get { return ViewState["StartRowIndex"] != null ? (int)ViewState["StartRowIndex"] : -1; } }

/// <summary>

/// Total rows. When PagingInDataSource is set to true you must get the total records from the datasource (without paging) at the FetchingData event

/// When PagingInDataSource is set to true you also need to set this when you load the data the first time.

/// </summary>

public int TotalRows { get { return ViewState["TotalRows"] != null ? (int)ViewState["TotalRows"] : -1; } set { ViewState["TotalRows"] = value; } }

/// <summary>

/// If repeater should store data source in view state. If false you need to get and bind data at post back. When using a connected data source this is handled by the data source.

/// </summary>

public bool PersistentDataSource


get { return ViewState["PersistentDataSource"] != null ? (bool)ViewState["PersistentDataSource"] : true; }

set { ViewState["PersistentDataSource"] = value; }


/// <summary>

/// Set to true if you want to handle paging in the data source.

/// Ex if you are selecting data from the database and only select the current rows

/// you must set this property to true and get and rebind data at the FetchingData event.

/// If this is true you must also set the TotalRecords property at the FetchingData event.

/// </summary>

/// <seealso cref="FetchingData"/>

/// <seealso cref="TotalRows"/>

public bool PagingInDataSource


get { return ViewState["PageingInDataSource"] != null ? (bool)ViewState["PageingInDataSource"] : false; }

set { ViewState["PageingInDataSource"] = value; }


/// <summary>

/// Checks if you need to rebind data source at postback

/// </summary>

public bool NeedsDataSource




if (PagingInDataSource)

return true;

if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID == false && !Page.IsPostBack)

return true;

if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID == false && PersistentDataSource == false && Page.IsPostBack)

return true;


return false;



/// <summary>

/// Loading ViewState

/// </summary>

/// <param name="savedState"></param>

protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)



//if (Page.IsPostBack)


// if (!IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && PersistentDataSource && ViewState["DataSource"] != null)

// {

// this.DataSource = ViewState["DataSource"];

// this.DataBind(true);

// }

// if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID)

// {

// this.DataBind();

// }



protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e)


if (Page.IsPostBack)


if (NeedsDataSource && FetchingData != null)


if (PagingInDataSource)


SetPageProperties(StartRowIndex, MaximumRows, true);


FetchingData(this, null);


if (!IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && PersistentDataSource && ViewState["DataSource"] != null)


this.DataSource = ViewState["DataSource"];



if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID)







/// <summary>

/// Method used by pager to set totalrecords

/// </summary>

/// <param name="startRowIndex">startRowIndex</param>

/// <param name="maximumRows">maximumRows</param>

/// <param name="databind">databind</param>

public void SetPageProperties(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, bool databind)


ViewState["StartRowIndex"] = startRowIndex;

ViewState["MaximumRows"] = maximumRows;

if (TotalRows > -1)


if (TotalRowCountAvailable != null)


TotalRowCountAvailable(this, new PageEventArgs((int)ViewState["StartRowIndex"], (int)ViewState["MaximumRows"], TotalRows));




/// <summary>

/// OnDataPropertyChanged

/// </summary>

protected override void OnDataPropertyChanged()


if (MaximumRows != -1 || IsBoundUsingDataSourceID)


this.RequiresDataBinding = true;




/// <summary>

/// Renders only current items selected by pager

/// </summary>

/// <param name="writer"></param>

protected override void RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer)


if (!PagingInDataSource && MaximumRows != -1)


foreach (RepeaterItem item in this.Items)


if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)


item.Visible = false;

if (item.ItemIndex >= (int)ViewState["StartRowIndex"] && item.ItemIndex < ((int)ViewState["StartRowIndex"] + (int)ViewState["MaximumRows"]))


item.Visible = true;





item.Visible = true;






/// <summary>

/// Get Data

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

protected override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetData()


System.Collections.IEnumerable dataObjects = base.GetData();

if (dataObjects == null && this.DataSource != null)


if (this.DataSource is System.Collections.IEnumerable)

dataObjects = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)this.DataSource;


dataObjects = ((System.ComponentModel.IListSource)this.DataSource).GetList();


if (!PagingInDataSource && MaximumRows != -1 && dataObjects != null)


int i = -1;

if (dataObjects != null)


i = 0;

foreach (object o in dataObjects)





ViewState["TotalRows"] = i;

if (!IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && PersistentDataSource)

ViewState["DataSource"] = this.DataSource;

SetPageProperties(StartRowIndex, MaximumRows, true);


if (PagingInDataSource && !Page.IsPostBack)


SetPageProperties(StartRowIndex, MaximumRows, true);


return dataObjects;


/// <summary>

/// Event when pager/repeater have counted total rows

/// </summary>

public event System.EventHandler<PageEventArgs> TotalRowCountAvailable;

/// <summary>

/// Event when repeater gets the data on postback

/// </summary>

public event System.EventHandler<PageEventArgs> FetchingData;





复制代码 代码如下:<%@ Register Assembly="WYJ.Web.Controls" Namespace="WYJ.Web.Controls" TagPrefix="WYJ" %>


复制代码 代码如下:

<WYJ:DataPagerRepeater ID="rptLeaveword" runat="server" PersistentDataSource="true">





<%# ((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Posttime.ToString("HH:mm") %></div>


<%# ((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Posttime.ToString("dd") %>



<%# ((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Posttime.ToString("MMM", new CultureInfo("en-US")).ToUpper() %><%# ((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Posttime.ToString(" yyyy") %></div>




<a id="<%# GeekStudio.Common.IdEncryptor.EncodeId(((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Id) %>"

name="<%# GeekStudio.Common.IdEncryptor.EncodeId(((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Id) %>">

<%# ((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Username %></a></h2>


<%# ((GeekStudio.ORM.Model.Leaveword)Container.DataItem).Content %>







复制代码 代码如下:



共<%=Math.Ceiling((double)DataPager1.TotalRowCount / DataPager1.PageSize)%>页,<%=DataPager1.TotalRowCount%>条记录,每页显示

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtn10" CssClass="currentpagesize" runat="server">10</asp:LinkButton>

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtn20" runat="server">20</asp:LinkButton>

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtn30" runat="server">30</asp:LinkButton>


<asp:DataPager ID="DataPager1" PagedControlID="rptLeaveword" runat="server">


<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowFirstPageButton="True" ShowNextPageButton="False"

ShowPreviousPageButton="False" FirstPageText="首页" />

<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowNextPageButton="False" ButtonType="Image" PreviousPageImageUrl="~/Images/icons/pagerprevious.png" />

<asp:NumericPagerField CurrentPageLabelCssClass="current" />

<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowPreviousPageButton="False" ButtonType="Image" NextPageImageUrl="~/Images/icons/pagernext.png" />

<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowLastPageButton="True" ShowNextPageButton="False"

ShowPreviousPageButton="False" LastPageText="尾页" />






复制代码 代码如下:

protected void lnkbtn10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


DataPager1.PageSize = 10;

lnkbtn10.CssClass = "currentpagesize";

lnkbtn20.CssClass = "";

lnkbtn30.CssClass = "";


protected void lnkbtn20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


DataPager1.PageSize = 20;

lnkbtn20.CssClass = "currentpagesize";

lnkbtn10.CssClass = "";

lnkbtn30.CssClass = "";


protected void lnkbtn30_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


DataPager1.PageSize = 30;

lnkbtn30.CssClass = "currentpagesize";

lnkbtn10.CssClass = "";

lnkbtn20.CssClass = "";



复制代码 代码如下:

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace WYJ.Web.Controls


/// <summary>

/// DataPagerGridView is a custom control that implements GrieView and IPageableItemContainer

/// </summary>

public class DataPagerGridView : GridView, IPageableItemContainer


public DataPagerGridView()

: base()


PagerSettings.Visible = false;


/// <summary>

/// TotalRowCountAvailable event key

/// </summary>

private static readonly object EventTotalRowCountAvailable = new object();

/// <summary>

/// Call base control's CreateChildControls method and determine the number of rows in the source

/// then fire off the event with the derived data and then we return the original result.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="dataSource"></param>

/// <param name="dataBinding"></param>

/// <returns></returns>

protected override int CreateChildControls(IEnumerable dataSource, bool dataBinding)


int rows = base.CreateChildControls(dataSource, dataBinding);

// if the paging feature is enabled, determine the total number of rows in the datasource

if (this.AllowPaging)


// if we are databinding, use the number of rows that were created, otherwise cast the datasource to an Collection and use that as the count

int totalRowCount = dataBinding ? rows : ((ICollection)dataSource).Count;

// raise the row count available event

IPageableItemContainer pageableItemContainer = this as IPageableItemContainer;

this.OnTotalRowCountAvailable(new PageEventArgs(pageableItemContainer.StartRowIndex, pageableItemContainer.MaximumRows, totalRowCount));

// make sure the top and bottom pager rows are not visible

if (this.TopPagerRow != null)

this.TopPagerRow.Visible = false;

if (this.BottomPagerRow != null)

this.BottomPagerRow.Visible = false;


return rows;


/// <summary>

/// Set the control with appropriate parameters and bind to right chunk of data.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="startRowIndex"></param>

/// <param name="maximumRows"></param>

/// <param name="databind"></param>

void IPageableItemContainer.SetPageProperties(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, bool databind)


int newPageIndex = (startRowIndex / maximumRows);

this.PageSize = maximumRows;

if (this.PageIndex != newPageIndex)


bool isCanceled = false;

if (databind)


// create the event arguments and raise the event

GridViewPageEventArgs args = new GridViewPageEventArgs(newPageIndex);


isCanceled = args.Cancel;

newPageIndex = args.NewPageIndex;


// if the event wasn't cancelled change the paging values

if (!isCanceled)


this.PageIndex = newPageIndex;

if (databind)



if (databind)

this.RequiresDataBinding = true;



/// <summary>

/// IPageableItemContainer's StartRowIndex = PageSize * PageIndex properties

/// </summary>

int IPageableItemContainer.StartRowIndex


get { return this.PageSize * this.PageIndex; }


/// <summary>

/// IPageableItemContainer's MaximumRows = PageSize property

/// </summary>

int IPageableItemContainer.MaximumRows


get { return this.PageSize; }


/// <summary>


/// </summary>

event EventHandler<PageEventArgs> IPageableItemContainer.TotalRowCountAvailable


add { base.Events.AddHandler(DataPagerGridView.EventTotalRowCountAvailable, value); }

remove { base.Events.RemoveHandler(DataPagerGridView.EventTotalRowCountAvailable, value); }


/// <summary>


/// </summary>

/// <param name="e"></param>

protected virtual void OnTotalRowCountAvailable(PageEventArgs e)


EventHandler<PageEventArgs> handler = (EventHandler<PageEventArgs>)base.Events[DataPagerGridView.EventTotalRowCountAvailable];

if (handler != null)


handler(this, e);





