<div id="div-datagrid">
<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1" runat="server" CssClass="Grid" UseAccessibleHeader="True">
<AlternatingItemStyle CssClass="GridAltRow"></AlternatingItemStyle>
<ItemStyle CssClass="GridRow"></ItemStyle>
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Address" HeaderText="Address"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="City" HeaderText="City"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="State" HeaderText="State"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Zip" HeaderText="Zip"
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="Random Babble"
HeaderText="Random Babble"
function lockCol(tblID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tblID);
var button = document.getElementById('toggle');
var cTR = table.getElementsByTagName('tr'); //collection of rows
if (table.rows[0].cells[0].className == '') {
for (i = 0; i < cTR.length; i++)
var tr = cTR.item(i);
tr.cells[0].className = 'locked'
button.innerText = "Unlock First Column";
} else {
for (i = 0; i < cTR.length; i++)
var tr = cTR.item(i);
tr.cells[0].className = ''
button.innerText = "Lock First Column";
/* Div container to wrap the datagrid */
div#div-datagrid {
width: 420px;
height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
/* Locks the left column */
td.locked, th.locked {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
background-color: navy;
color: white;
border-right: 1px solid silver;
cursor: default;
/*IE5+ only*/
left: expression(document.getElementById("div-datagrid").scrollLeft-2);
/* Locks table header 这里是表头不动,要表头动那就把这一段注释!*/
th {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
background-color: navy;
color: white;
border-right: 1px solid silver;
cursor: default;
/*IE5+ only*/
top: expression(document.getElementById("div-datagrid").scrollTop-2);
z-index: 10;
/* Keeps the header as the top most item. Important for top left item*/
th.locked {z-index: 99;}
/* DataGrid Item and AlternatingItem Style*/
.GridRow {font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: Arial;
background-color:#ffffff; height:35px;}
.GridAltRow {font-size: 10pt; color: black; font-family: Arial;
background-color:#eeeeee; height:35px;}
Sub Item_Bound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridItemEventArgs) _
Handles DataGrid1.ItemDataBound
e.Item.Cells(0).CssClass = "locked"
//e.Item.Cells(1).CssClass = "locked"
End Sub