github地址: https://github.com/HowName/account-note
var util = require("../../utils/util.js"); //获取应用实例 var app = getApp(); Page({ data: { userInfo: {}, buttonLoading: false, accountData:[], accountTotal:0 }, onLoad: function () { console.log('onLoad') var that = this; // 获取记录 var tempAccountData = wx.getStorageSync("accountData") || []; this.caculateTotal(tempAccountData); this.setData({ accountData: tempAccountData }); }, // 计算总额 caculateTotal:function(data){ var tempTotal = 0; for(var x in data){ tempTotal += parseFloat(data[x].amount); } this.setData({ accountTotal: tempTotal }); }, //表单提交 formSubmit:function(e){ this.setData({ buttonLoading: true }); var that = this; setTimeout(function(){ var inDetail = e.detail.value.inputdetail; var inAmount = e.detail.value.inputamount; if(inDetail.toString().length <= 0 || inAmount.toString().length <= 0){ console.log("can not empty"); that.setData({ buttonLoading: false }); return false; } //新增记录 var tempAccountData = wx.getStorageSync("accountData") || []; tempAccountData.unshift({detail:inDetail,amount:inAmount}); wx.setStorageSync("accountData",tempAccountData); that.caculateTotal(tempAccountData); that.setData({ accountData: tempAccountData, buttonLoading: false }); },1000); }, //删除行 deleteRow: function(e){ var that = this; var index = e.target.dataset.indexKey; var tempAccountData = wx.getStorageSync("accountData") || []; tempAccountData.splice(index,1); wx.setStorageSync("accountData",tempAccountData); that.caculateTotal(tempAccountData); that.setData({ accountData: tempAccountData, }); } })