类似于Flash制作的一个图片展示效果 html,body {cursor:crosshair;margin:0; padding:0; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; background:#222; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%;zIndex:-2;} IMGBOXClick the thumbnails on the left for a larger image. The description connected to the clicked image is displayed here. Note: for performance reasons, images are not resized and must be all of the same size.
the riverAwaken from my nap by the river transparencyIts transparency was hypnotizing. coldCurrents of cold water played with light. sank inI threw a few nuts into the river. They floated for a while, then sank in. maskedA wide stepping stone masked the water's depth. a glimpseLater on, I had a glimpse of the river's bed. forgottenThe wheelchair made a noise. Again, I had forgotten about my legs. floatedStill, I floated in oblivion of things too real. for meI stared fixedly at the water's open arms. The stream was singing for me. Loading...
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