1.cmd到xcopyTime.bat所在目录,执行命令xcopyTime sourceFolder DestinationFolder dateTime
F:bat>xcopyTime E:workspace F:website 06-30-2010
复制代码 代码如下:
@echo off
rem xcopy2.BAT transfers all files in all subdirectories of
rem the source drive or directory (%1) to the destination
rem drive or directory (%2)
rem lastModifyTime (%3)
xcopy %1 %2 /s /d:%3 /exclude:EXCLUDE.txt /y
if errorlevel 4 goto lowmemory
if errorlevel 2 goto abort
if errorlevel 0 goto exit
echo Insufficient memory to copy files or
echo invalid drive or command-line syntax.
goto exit
echo You pressed CTRL+C to end the copy operation.
goto exit