以视频爬取实例讲解Python爬虫神器Beautiful Soup用法
以视频爬取实例讲解Python爬虫神器Beautiful Soup用法
发布时间:2016-12-28 来源:查字典编辑



easy_install beautifulsoup4

pip安装方式,pip也需要提前安装.此外PyPi中还有一个名字是 BeautifulSoup 的包,那是 Beautiful Soup3 的发布版本.在这里不建议安装.

pip install beautifulsoup4


apt-get install Python-bs4


Python setup.py install


# coding=utf-8 ''' @通过BeautifulSoup下载百度贴吧图片 ''' import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = 'http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3537654215' # 下载网页 html = urllib.urlopen(url) content = html.read() html.close() # 使用BeautifulSoup匹配图片 html_soup = BeautifulSoup(content) # 图片代码我们在[Python爬虫基础1--urllib]( http://blog.xiaolud.com/2015/01/22/spider-1st/ "Python爬虫基础1--urllib")里面已经分析过了 # 相较通过正则表达式去匹配,BeautifulSoup提供了一个更简单灵活的方式 all_img_links = html_soup.findAll('img', class_='BDE_Image') # 接下来就是老生常谈的下载图片 img_counter = 1 for img_link in all_img_links: img_name = '%s.jpg' % img_counter urllib.urlretrieve(img_link['src'], img_name) img_counter += 1





首先,我们要看一看在 http://pyvideo.org/category/50/pycon-us-2014 上的 PyCon 大会视频列表。检查这个页面的 HTML 源代码我们发现视频列表的结果差不多是长这样的:

<div id="video-summary-content"> <div> <> <div>...</div> <div> <div> <strong><a href="#link to video page#">#title#</a></strong> </div> </div> </div> <div> <> ... </div> ... </div>

那么第一个任务就是加载这个页面,然后抽取每个单独页面的链接,因为到 YouTube 视频的链接都在这些单独页面上。

使用requests来加载一个 web 页面是非常简单的:

import requests response = requests.get('http://pyvideo.org/category/50/pycon-us-2014')

就是它!在这个函数返回后就能从response.text中获得这个页面的 HTML 。

下一个任务是抽取每一个单独视频页面的链接。通过 BeautifulSoup 使用 CSS 选择器语法就能完成它,如果你是客户端开发者的话你可能对这会很熟悉。

为了获得这些链接,我们要使用一个选择器,它能抓取在每一个 id 为video-summary-data的<div>中所有的<a>元素。由于每个视频都有几个<a>元素,我们将只保留那些 URL 以/video开头的<a>元素,这些就是唯一的单独视频页面。实现上述标准的 CSS 选择器是div.video-summary-data a[href^=/video]。下面的代码片段通过 BeautifulSoup 使用这个选择器来获得指向视频页面的<a>元素:

import bs4 soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) links = soup.select('div.video-summary-data a[href^=/video]')


links = [a.attrs.get('href') for a in soup.select('div.video-summary-data a[href^=/video]')]



import requests import bs4 root_url = 'http://pyvideo.org' index_url = root_url + '/category/50/pycon-us-2014' def get_video_page_urls(): response = requests.get(index_url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) return [a.attrs.get('href') for a in soup.select('div.video-summary-data a[href^=/video]')] print(get_video_page_urls())

如果你运行上面这段脚本你将会获得一个满是 URL 的数组。现在我们需要去解析每个 URL 以获得更多关于每场 PyCon 会议的信息。


下一步是加载我们的 URL 数组中每一个页面。如果你想要看看这些页面长什么样的话,这儿是个样例:http://pyvideo.org/video/2668/writing-restful-web-services-with-flask。没错,那就是我,那是我会议中的一个!

从这些页面我们可以抓取到会议的标题,在页面的顶部能看到它。我们也可以从侧边栏获得演讲者的姓名和 YouTube 的链接,侧边栏在嵌入视频的右下方。获取这些元素的代码展示在下方:

def get_video_data(video_page_url): video_data = {} response = requests.get(root_url + video_page_url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) video_data['title'] = soup.select('div#videobox h3')[0].get_text() video_data['speakers'] = [a.get_text() for a in soup.select('div#sidebar a[href^=/speaker]')] video_data['youtube_url'] = soup.select('div#sidebar a[href^=http://www.youtube.com]')[0].get_text()


从首页抓取的 URL 是相对路径,所以root_url需要加到前面。

大会标题是从 id 为videobox的<div>里的<h3>元素中获得的。注意[0]是必须的,因为调用select()返回的是一个数组,即使只有一个匹配。

演讲者的姓名和 YouTube 链接的获取方式与首页上的链接获取方式类似。

现在就剩下从每个视频的 YouTube 页面抓取观看数了。接着上面的函数写下去其实是非常简单的。同样,我们也可以抓取 like 数和 dislike 数。

def get_video_data(video_page_url): # ... response = requests.get(video_data['youtube_url']) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) video_data['views'] = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', soup.select('.watch-view-count')[0].get_text().split()[0])) video_data['likes'] = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', soup.select('.likes-count')[0].get_text().split()[0])) video_data['dislikes'] = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', soup.select('.dislikes-count')[0].get_text().split()[0])) return video_data

上述调用soup.select()函数,使用指定了 id 名字的选择器,采集到了视频的统计数据。但是元素的文本需要被处理一下才能变成数字。考虑观看数的例子,在 YouTube 上显示的是"1,344 views"。用一个空格分开(split)数字和文本后,只有第一部分是有用的。由于数字里有逗号,可以用正则表达式过滤掉任何不是数字的字符。


def show_video_stats(): video_page_urls = get_video_page_urls() for video_page_url in video_page_urls: print get_video_data(video_page_url)



回顾当时写一篇使用 Node.js 的爬虫文章的时候,并发性是伴随 JavaScript 的异步特性自带来的。使用 Python 也能做到,不过需要显示地指定一下。像这个例子,我将开启一个拥有8个可并行化进程的进程池。代码出人意料的简洁:

from multiprocessing import Pool def show_video_stats(options): pool = Pool(8) video_page_urls = get_video_page_urls() results = pool.map(get_video_data, video_page_urls)

multiprocessing.Pool 类开启了8个工作进程等待分配任务运行。为什么是8个?这是我电脑上核数的两倍。当时实验不同大小的进程池时,我发现这是最佳的大小。小于8个使脚本跑的太慢,多于8个也不会让它更快。





我添加了一个--sort命令行参数去指定一个排序标准,可以指定views,likes或者dislikes。脚本将会根据指定属性对结果数组进行递减排序。另一个参数,--max代表了要显示的结果数的个数,万一你只想看排名靠前的几条而已。最后,我还添加了一个--csv选项,为了可以轻松地将数据导到电子制表软件中,可以指定数据以 CSV 格式打印出来,而不是表对齐格式。


import argparse import re from multiprocessing import Pool import requests import bs4 root_url = 'http://pyvideo.org' index_url = root_url + '/category/50/pycon-us-2014' def get_video_page_urls(): response = requests.get(index_url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) return [a.attrs.get('href') for a in soup.select('div.video-summary-data a[href^=/video]')] def get_video_data(video_page_url): video_data = {} response = requests.get(root_url + video_page_url) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) video_data['title'] = soup.select('div#videobox h3')[0].get_text() video_data['speakers'] = [a.get_text() for a in soup.select('div#sidebar a[href^=/speaker]')] video_data['youtube_url'] = soup.select('div#sidebar a[href^=http://www.youtube.com]')[0].get_text() response = requests.get(video_data['youtube_url']) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text) video_data['views'] = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', soup.select('.watch-view-count')[0].get_text().split()[0])) video_data['likes'] = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', soup.select('.likes-count')[0].get_text().split()[0])) video_data['dislikes'] = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', soup.select('.dislikes-count')[0].get_text().split()[0])) return video_data def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Show PyCon 2014 video statistics.') parser.add_argument('--sort', metavar='FIELD', choices=['views', 'likes', 'dislikes'], default='views', help='sort by the specified field. Options are views, likes and dislikes.') parser.add_argument('--max', metavar='MAX', type=int, help='show the top MAX entries only.') parser.add_argument('--csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='output the data in CSV format.') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8, help='number of workers to use, 8 by default.') return parser.parse_args() def show_video_stats(options): pool = Pool(options.workers) video_page_urls = get_video_page_urls() results = sorted(pool.map(get_video_data, video_page_urls), key=lambda video: video[options.sort], reverse=True) max = options.max if max is None or max > len(results): max = len(results) if options.csv: print(u'"title","speakers", "views","likes","dislikes"') else: print(u'Views +1 -1 Title (Speakers)') for i in range(max): if options.csv: print(u'"{0}","{1}",{2},{3},{4}'.format( results[i]['title'], ', '.join(results[i]['speakers']), results[i]['views'], results[i]['likes'], results[i]['dislikes'])) else: print(u'{0:5d} {1:3d} {2:3d} {3} ({4})'.format( results[i]['views'], results[i]['likes'], results[i]['dislikes'], results[i]['title'], ', '.join(results[i]['speakers']))) if __name__ == '__main__': show_video_stats(parse_args())


(venv) $ python pycon-scraper.py --sort views --max 25 --workers 8 Views +1 -1 Title (Speakers) 3002 27 0 Keynote - Guido Van Rossum (Guido Van Rossum) 2564 21 0 Computer science fundamentals for self-taught programmers (Justin Abrahms) 2369 17 0 Ansible - Python-Powered Radically Simple IT Automation (Michael Dehaan) 2165 27 6 Analyzing Rap Lyrics with Python (Julie Lavoie) 2158 24 3 Exploring Machine Learning with Scikit-learn (Jake Vanderplas, Olivier Grisel) 2065 13 0 Fast Python, Slow Python (Alex Gaynor) 2024 24 0 Getting Started with Django, a crash course (Kenneth Love) 1986 47 0 It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Battling the Invisible Monsters in Tech (Julie Pagano) 1843 24 0 Discovering Python (David Beazley) 1672 22 0 All Your Ducks In A Row: Data Structures in the Standard Library and Beyond (Brandon Rhodes) 1558 17 1 Keynote - Fernando Pérez (Fernando Pérez) 1449 6 0 Descriptors and Metaclasses - Understanding and Using Python's More Advanced Features (Mike Müller) 1402 12 0 Flask by Example (Miguel Grinberg) 1342 6 0 Python Epiphanies (Stuart Williams) 1219 5 0 0 to 00111100 with web2py (G. Clifford Williams) 1169 18 0 Cheap Helicopters In My Living Room (Ned Jackson Lovely) 1146 11 0 IPython in depth: high productivity interactive and parallel python (Fernando Perez) 1127 5 0 2D/3D graphics with Python on mobile platforms (Niko Skrypnik) 1081 8 0 Generators: The Final Frontier (David Beazley) 1067 12 0 Designing Poetic APIs (Erik Rose) 1064 6 0 Keynote - John Perry Barlow (John Perry Barlow) 1029 10 0 What Is Async, How Does It Work, And When Should I Use It? (A. Jesse Jiryu Davis) 981 11 0 The Sorry State of SSL (Hynek Schlawack) 961 12 2 Farewell and Welcome Home: Python in Two Genders (Naomi Ceder) 958 6 0 Getting Started Testing (Ned Batchelder)
