iPhone4s Siri英文命令一览_iphone教程-查字典教程网
iPhone4s Siri英文命令一览
iPhone4s Siri英文命令一览
发布时间:2015-05-12 来源:查字典编辑


Querying Contacts

What's Michael's address?

What is Susan Park's phone number?

When is my wife's birthday?

Show Jennifer's home email address

Finding Contacts

Show Jason Russell

Find people named Park

Who is Michael Manning?


My mom is Susan Park

Michael Manning is my brother

Call my brother at work


Adding Events

Set up a meeting at 9

Set up a meeting with Michael at 9

Meet with lisa at noon

Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am

New appointment with Susan Park Friday at 3

Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom

Changing events

Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30

Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Manning to next Monday at 9am

Add lisa to my meeting with Jason

Cancel the budget review meeting

Asking about events

What does the rest of my day look like?

What's on my calendar for Friday?

When is my next appointment?

When am I meeting with Michael?

Where is my next meeting?


Setting Alarms

Wake me up tomorrow at 7am

Set an alarm for 6:30am

Wake me up in 8 hours

Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45

Turn off my 6:30 alarm

Delete my 7:30 alarm

Checking the Clock

What time is it?

What time is it in Berlin?

What is today's date?

What's the date this Saturday?

Using a Timer

Set the timer for ten minutes

Show the timer

Pause the timer


Reset the timer

Stop it


Sending Messages

Email lisa about the trip

Email Jennifer about the change in plans

New email to Susan Park

Mail Dad about the rent check

Email Dr. Manning and say I got the forms, thanks

Mail lisa and Jason about the party and say I had a great time

Checking Messages

Check email

Any new email from Michael today?

Show new mail about the lease

Show the email from lisa yesterday

Responding to Messages

Reply Dear Susan sorry about the late payment

Call him at work


Checking Up on Friends

Where's Jason?

Where is my sister?

Is my wife at home?

Where are all my friends?

Who is here?

Who is near me?



How do I get home?

Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California

Directions to my dad's work

Local Businesses

Find coffee near me

Where is Starbucks?

Find some burger joints in Baltimore

Find a gas station within walking distance

Good Mexican restaurants around here


Sending Texts

Tell Susan I'll be right there

Send a message to Jason Russell

Send a message to lisa saying how about tomorrow

Tell Jennifer the show was great

Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying I'll be late

Send a message to 408 555 1212

Text Jason and lisa where are you?

Reading Texts

Read my new messages

Read it again

Replying to Texts

Reply that's great news

Tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes

Call her



Play The light of the Sun

Play trouble

Play Taking Back Sunday shuffled

Play Alicia Keys

Play some blues

Play my party mix

Shuffle my roadtrip playlist





Creating and finding notes

Note that I spent $12 on lunch

Note: check out that new Alicia Keys album

Find my restaurant note

Create a reading list note

Add Tom Sawyer to my reading list note


Phone calls

Call Jason

Call Jennifer Wright mobile

Call Susan on her work phone

Call 408 555 1212

Call home

FaceTime lisa


Requesting reminders

Remind me to call mom

Remind me to call my mom when I get home

Remember to take an umbrella

Remind me take my medicine at 6am tomorrow

Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here

Remind me when I leave to call Jason

Remind me to finish the report by 6


Checking Stocks

What's Apple's stock price?

What is Apple's PE ratio?

What did Yahoo close at today?

How is the Nikkei doing?

How are the markets doing?

What is the Dow at?


Checking the Forecast

What's the weather for today?

What's the weather for tomorrow?

Will it rain in Cupertino this week?

Check next week's forecast for Burlington

What's the forecast for this evening?

How's the weather in Tampa right now?

How hot will it be in Palm Springs this weekend?

What's the high for Anchorage on Thursday?

What's the temperature outside?

How windy is it out there?

When is sunrise in Paris?


Looking up information

Search the web for Bora Bora

Search for vegetarian pasta recipes

Search the web for best cable plans

Google the war of 1812

Search Wikipedia for Abraham lincoln

Search for news about the World Cup

Bing Alicia Keys

Using Wolfram Alpha

How many calories in a bagel?

What is an 18% tip on $86.74 for four people?

Who's buried in Grant's tomb?

How long do dogs live?

What is the Gossamer Condor?

What's the square root of 128?

How many dollars is

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