发布时间:2016-12-30 来源:查字典编辑


复制代码 代码如下:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>









<item >





































复制代码 代码如下:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<template rootname="DIV">

<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />






$$("#ctrlid#") , "AfterRender",



var cMenu = new $System.UI.ContextMenu($$("#ctrlid#").domid);


$$("#ctrlid#").addChildNode(cMenu.guid , true);

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cMenuGUID = cMenu.guid;

var srcDoc = new $System.XML.XMLUtil.XDOC("root");

var tplDoc = $System.XML.XMLUtil.loadXMLFile("resappmodulestylecontextmenu.tpl.xml");


cMenu.render(srcDoc , tplDoc);



$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.showItemDetail = function(itemName , itemValue , itemPercent)



var cMenu = $$($$(leftFrameGUID).$$secret.codebehind.cMenuGUID);

$(cMenu.guid + "_detail").innerHTML = $System.String.StringUtil.decodeURIComponent(detail);

//alert($(cMenu.guid + "_detail").innerHTML);

cMenu.show(window.event.x , window.event.y);


$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOver = function(domid , startAngle , offsetAngle , angle , radius)


//$(domid).path = "m0,0l0,0xe";

window.setTimeout("$('" + domid + "').path = 'm0,0ae0,0,1000,1000," + startAngle +"," + offsetAngle + "xe'" , 10 , "javascript");


$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOut = function(domid , startAngle , offsetAngle , angle , radius)


//$(domid).path = "m0,0l0,0xe";

window.setTimeout("$('" + domid + "').path = 'm0,0ae0,0,850,850," + startAngle +"," + offsetAngle + "xe'" , 10 , "javascript");




var pContainer = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomObject();

var w = pContainer.style.pixelWidth;

var h = pContainer.style.pixelHeight;


if(h < w){

h = h < (w * 5 / 6) ? h : Math.floor(w * 5 / 6);



h = Math.floor(w * 5 / 6);


var hv = Math.min(w , h);

var rad = Math.floor(2 * hv / 5);


var radius = 1000;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.radius = radius;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad = rad;


var itemNodeList = $$("#sdocguid#").getElementsByTagName("item");

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount = itemNodeList.length;

var nameLengthArray = [];

var maxItemNameLength , cNameLength;

if($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount != 0){

for(iteri = 0 ; iteri < $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount; iteri ++){

cNameLength = $System.String.StringUtil.getLengthInCn(itemNodeList.item(iteri).getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).text);



maxItemNameLength = nameLengthArray.sort


function(a , b){

if(a == b){

return 0;


if(a > b){

return 1;


return -1;


)[nameLengthArray.length - 1];


$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.maxItemNameLength = maxItemNameLength;


var bgLeft = Math.floor((w - 2 * rad - Math.ceil(rad / 9) - Math.ceil(rad / 10) - (maxItemNameLength / 10) * rad) / 2);


var bgTop = Math.floor(rad / 7);


var bgWidth = 2 * rad;

var bgHeight = 2 * rad;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg = {bgLeft : bgLeft , bgTop : bgTop , bgWidth : bgWidth , bgHeight : bgHeight};


$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle = 0;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset = 0;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN = null;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex = 1000;

var strStyle;

strStyle = "border:1px solid red;position:relative;left:0px;top:" + Math.floor((pContainer.style.pixelHeight - h) / 2) + "px;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;overflow:visible;";






<foreach base="/item">

<element name="v:shape">

<attribute name="coordorigin" value="-1000,-1000" />

<attribute name="coordsize" value="2000,2000" />

<attribute name="stroked" value="false" />

<attribute name="fill" value="true" />

<element name="v:fill">

<attribute name="rotate" value="true" />

<attribute name="angle" value="180" />

<attribute name="focus" value="100%" />

<attribute name="type" value="gradient" />

<attribute name="color" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />




var sn;

if($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN == null){

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN = 0;





sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;

var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;

//compute color.

var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 1 , 0.7);

sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";





<attribute name="color2" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />




var sn;

sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;

var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;

//compute color.

var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 0.5 , 1);

sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";






<attribute name="path" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;

var cldNodeList = $System.XML.XMLUtil.XElement.getElementChildsByTagName($$("#sdocguid#").documentElement , "item");

var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;

var totalValue = 0;

var valueArray = [];

var cValue;

//compute startangle and endangle. degree * (2^16)

for(var ai = 0 ; ai < totalCount ; ai ++){

cValue = parseFloat($System.XML.XMLUtil.XElement.getFirstElementChildByTagName(cldNodeList[ai] , "value").firstChild.nodeValue);


totalValue += cValue;


var startAngle = 0;

var angleOffset = 0;

for(var ai = 0 ; ai < totalCount - 1 ; ai ++){

if(sn != ai){

startAngle += (ai % 2 == 0) ? Math.floor(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536) : Math.ceil(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536);



angleOffset = ((ai % 2 == 0) ? Math.floor(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536) : Math.ceil(valueArray[ai] / totalValue * 360 * 65536));




if(sn == (totalCount - 1)){

angleOffset = 360 * 65536 - startAngle;


$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle = startAngle;

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset = angleOffset;

//construct the path attribute value.

var sPath;

sPath = "m0,0ae0,0,850,850," + startAngle +"," + angleOffset + "xe";






<element name="v:extrusion">

<attribute name="on" value="t" />

<attribute name="type" value="parallel" />

<attribute name="backdepth" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var str;

str = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);





<attribute name="type" value="parallel" />

<attribute name="color" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var sn;

sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cSN;

var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;

//compute color.

var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 1 , 0.7);

sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";





<attribute name="metal" value="t" />

<attribute name="rotationangle" value="20,0" />

<attribute name="skewangle" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var skewangle;

skewangle = 90;






<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var strStyle;

strStyle = "border:0px solid red;position:absolute;left:" + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg.bgLeft + "px;top:" + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg.bgTop + "px;width:" + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg.bgWidth + "px;height:" + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg.bgHeight + "px;";


var startAngle = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle / 65536;

if(startAngle == 0){

strStyle += "z-index:" + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex;


else if(startAngle < 90 && startAngle > 0){

strStyle += "z-index:" + (--$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex);


else if(startAngle >=90 && startAngle < 270){

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex += 2;

strStyle += "z-index:" + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex;



strStyle += "z-index:" + (--$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cIndex);






<attribute name="id" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var domid = $System.genGUID();






<attribute name="onmouseover" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#titleid#" path="." attr="id" tdoc="t" />




var startAngle = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle;

var offsetAngle = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset;

var angleLine = ($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset / 2) / 65536;

var str;

str = "$$('#ctrlid#').$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOver('#titleid#' , " + startAngle + " , " + offsetAngle + " , " + angleLine + " , " + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad + ")";






<attribute name="onmouseout" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#titleid#" path="." attr="id" tdoc="t" />




var angleLine = ($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cStartAngle + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.angleOffset / 2) / 65536;

var str;

str = "$$('#ctrlid#').$$secret.codebehind.sectorOnMouseOut('#titleid#' , " + startAngle + " , " + offsetAngle + " , " + angleLine + " , " + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad + ")";








<element name="div">

<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var pContainer = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomObject();

var strStyle;

var h = pContainer.style.pixelHeight - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 4) - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);

var l = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg.bgLeft + $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.bg.bgWidth + Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 10);

var w = Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.maxItemNameLength / 8) * $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad + Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 12);

strStyle = "border:solid 0px #FF0000;position:absolute;left:" + l + "px;top:" + Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 4) + "px;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;";





<element name="table">

<attribute name="height" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var pContainer = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomObject();

var h;

h = pContainer.style.pixelHeight - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 4) - Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);





<attribute name="border" value="0" />

<attribute name="align" value="right" />

<element name="tr">

<element name="td">

<attribute name="align" value="left" />

<attribute name="valign" value="middle" />

<element name="table">

<attribute name="border" value="0" />

<attribute name="height" value="1" />

<attribute name="cellpadding" value="0" />

<attribute name="cellspacing" value="0" />

<foreach base="/item">

<element name="tr">

<element name="td">

<attribute name="align" value="center" />

<attribute name="valign" value="middle" />

<attribute name="height" value="1" />

<element name="div">

<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var strStyle;

var hw = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 10);

strStyle = "margin:0px;position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;border:0px solid #FF0000;width:" + hw + "px;height:" + hw + "px;padding:0px;";





<element name="v:shape">

<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var strStyle;

var hw = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 10);

strStyle = "margin:0px;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:" + hw + "px;height:" + hw + "px;";





<attribute name="path" value="m 0,0 l 0,100 100,100 100,0 x e" />

<attribute name="coordorigin" value="0,0" />

<attribute name="coordsize" value="100,100" />

<element name="v:fill">

<attribute name="rotate" value="true" />

<attribute name="angle" value="180" />

<attribute name="focus" value="100%" />

<attribute name="type" value="gradient" />

<attribute name="color" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




if($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI == null){

$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI = 0;


var sColor;

var sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI;

var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;

//compute color.

var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 1 , 0.7);

//$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cColumnFillColor = ar[sn].r + "," +ar[sn].g + "," +ar[sn].b;

sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";





<attribute name="color2" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var sColor;

var sn = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sampleI;

var totalCount = $$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.sectorCount;

//compute color.

var ar = $System.UI.ColorUtil.genColorArrayOnItemNum(totalCount , 0.5 , 1);

//$$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.cColumnFillColor = ar[sn].r + "," +ar[sn].g + "," +ar[sn].b;


sColor = "rgb(" + ar[sn].r + " " + ar[sn].g + " " + ar[sn].b + ")";









<element name="td">

<attribute name="height" value="1" />

<attribute name="width" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var ww;

ww = Math.max(Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 30) , 5);





<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var strStyle;

var hw = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 8);

strStyle = "margin:0px;padding:0px;height:" + hw + "px;line-height:1px;";





<element name="br" />


<element name="td">

<attribute name="height" value="1" />

<attribute name="align" value="left" />

<attribute name="valign" value="middle" />

<attribute name="nowrap" value="true" />

<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var fs = Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 15) > 9 ? Math.ceil($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 15) : 9;

strStyle = "padding:0px;margin:0px;height:1px;line-height:" + fs + "px;font-size:" + fs +"px;font-weight:bold;font-family: 'Microsoft YaHei',SimHei,Helvetica,STHeiti,Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;";





<text path="./name" />










<element name="div">

<attribute name="style" expression="true">



<param name="#ctrlid#" path="/" attr="controlguid" />

<param name="#sdocguid#" path="/" attr="guid" />




var w = $$("#ctrlid#").getDomStyle("pixelWidth");

var h = Math.floor($$("#ctrlid#").$$secret.codebehind.rad / 6);

var fs = h > 14 ? h : 14;

strStyle = "padding-top:" + Math.floor(fs / 4) + "px;font-size:" + fs + "px;text-align:center;border:solid 0px #FF0000;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:" + w + "px;height:" + (fs + Math.floor(fs / 4)) + "px;line-height" + (fs + Math.floor(fs / 4)) + "px;font-weight:bold;font-family: 'Microsoft YaHei',SimHei,Helvetica,STHeiti,Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;";





<text path="/title" />




复制代码 代码如下:

var ctrl1 = new $System.UI.Control("div005");

var srcdoc = $System.XML.XMLUtil.loadXMLFile("ria09stylexmlsgraph_src.xml");

var tpldoc = $System.XML.XMLUtil.loadXMLFile("ria09stylexmlsgraph_3dpie_tpl.xml");

ctrl1.renderE(srcdoc , tpldoc);



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