发布时间:2016-12-28 来源:查字典编辑

本篇讲下如何使用纯python代码将excel 中的图表导出为图片。这里需要使用的模块有win32com、pythoncom模块。


from win32com.client import Dispatch import os import pythoncom class Pyxlchart(object): """ This class exports charts in an Excel Spreadsheet to the FileSystem win32com libraries are required. """ def __init__(self): pythoncom.CoInitialize() self.WorkbookDirectory = '' self.WorkbookFilename = '' self.GetAllWorkbooks = False self.SheetName = '' self.ChartName = '' self.GetAllWorkbookCharts = False self.GetAllWorksheetCharts = False self.ExportPath = '' self.ImageFilename = '' self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar = '_' self.ImageType = 'jpg' def __del__(self): pass def start_export(self): if self.WorkbookDirectory == '': return "WorkbookDirectory not set" else: self._export() def _export(self): """ Exports Charts as determined by the settings in class variabels. """ excel = Dispatch("excel.application") excel.Visible = False wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(os.path.join(self.WorkbookDirectory ,self.WorkbookFilename)) self._get_Charts_In_Worksheet(wb,self.SheetName,self.ChartName) wb.Close(False) excel.Quit() def _get_Charts_In_Worksheet(self,wb,worksheet = "", chartname = ""): if worksheet != "" and chartname != "": sht = self._change_sheet(wb,worksheet) cht = sht.ChartObjects(chartname) self._save_chart(cht) return if worksheet == "": for sht in wb.Worksheets: for cht in sht.ChartObjects(): if chartname == "": self._save_chart(cht) else: if chartname == cht.Name: self._save_chart(cht) else: sht = wb.Worksheets(worksheet) for cht in sht.ChartObjects(): if chartname == "": self._save_chart(cht) else: if chartname == cht.Name: self._save_chart(cht) def _change_sheet(self,wb,worksheet): try: return wb.Worksheets(worksheet) except: raise NameError('Unable to Select Sheet: ' + worksheet + ' in Workbook: ' + wb.Name) def _save_chart(self,chartObject): imagename = self._get_filename(chartObject.Name) savepath = os.path.join(self.ExportPath,imagename) print savepath chartObject.Chart.Export(savepath,self.ImageType) def _get_filename(self,chartname): """ Replaces white space in self.WorkbookFileName with the value given in self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar If self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar is an empty string then self.WorkBookFileName is left as is """ if self.ImageFilename == '': self.ImageFilename == chartname if self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar != '': chartname.replace(' ',self.ReplaceWhiteSpaceChar) if self.ImageFilename != "": return self.ImageFilename + "_" + chartname + "." + self.ImageType else: return chartname + '.' + self.ImageType if __name__ == "__main__": xl = Pyxlchart() xl.WorkbookDirectory = "maawtns01disciplineprocurementMATERIELRaw MaterialData ManagementHawk" xl.WorkbookFilename = "Hawk Workability KPI.xlsm" xl.SheetName = "" xl.ImageFilename = "MyChart1" xl.ExportPath = "d:pycharts" xl.ChartName = "" xl.start_export() print "This file does not currently allow direct access" print "Please import PyXLChart and run start_export()"

这里还使用Excel vba将chart另存为图片篇中创建的chart_column.xlsx表,使用上面的模块的方法如下:

from pyxlchart import Pyxlchart xl = Pyxlchart() xl.WorkbookDirectory = "D:" xl.WorkbookFilename = "chart_column.xlsx" xl.SheetName = "" #xl.ImageFilename = "MyChart1" xl.ExportPath = "d:" xl.ChartName = "" xl.start_export()

由于有该表里有多张图表,所以上面未指定xl.ImageFilename ,使用示例如下:

Excel vba将chart另存为图片

python下使用xlswriter模块,可以轻松在excel 中创建图片,不过想实现将生成的chart图表导出为图片,在email 中导入图片的目标 。经网上查询未找到通过python代码将excel 中已经生成的图片导出为图片的方法,不过通过变通方法,使用excel 内的vba 宏却可以轻松将图片导出。


python 创建chart图片代码:

#coding: utf-8 import xlsxwriter import random def get_num(): return random.randrange(0, 201, 2) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('analyse_spider.xlsx') #创建一个Excel文件 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() #创建一个工作表对象 chart = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column'}) #创建一个图表对象 #定义数据表头列表 title = [u'业务名称',u'星期一',u'星期二',u'星期三',u'星期四',u'星期五',u'星期六',u'星期日',u'平均流量'] buname= [u'运维之路',u'就要IT',u'baidu.com',u'361way.com',u'91it.org'] #定义频道名称 #定义5频道一周7天流量数据列表 data = [] for i in range(5): tmp = [] for j in range(7): tmp.append(get_num()) data.append(tmp) format=workbook.add_format() #定义format格式对象 format.set_border(1) #定义format对象单元格边框加粗(1像素)的格式 format_title=workbook.add_format() #定义format_title格式对象 format_title.set_border(1) #定义format_title对象单元格边框加粗(1像素)的格式 format_title.set_bg_color('#cccccc') #定义format_title对象单元格背景颜色为 #'#cccccc'的格式 format_title.set_align('center') #定义format_title对象单元格居中对齐的格式 format_title.set_bold() #定义format_title对象单元格内容加粗的格式 format_ave=workbook.add_format() #定义format_ave格式对象 format_ave.set_border(1) #定义format_ave对象单元格边框加粗(1像素)的格式 format_ave.set_num_format('0.00') #定义format_ave对象单元格数字类别显示格式 #下面分别以行或列写入方式将标题、业务名称、流量数据写入起初单元格,同时引用不同格式对象 worksheet.write_row('A1',title,format_title) worksheet.write_column('A2', buname,format) worksheet.write_row('B2', data[0],format) worksheet.write_row('B3', data[1],format) worksheet.write_row('B4', data[2],format) worksheet.write_row('B5', data[3],format) worksheet.write_row('B6', data[4],format) #定义图表数据系列函数 def chart_series(cur_row): worksheet.write_formula('I'+cur_row, '=AVERAGE(B'+cur_row+':H'+cur_row+')',format_ave) #计算(AVERAGE函数)频 #道周平均流量 chart.add_series({ 'categories': '=Sheet1!$B$1:$H$1', #将“星期一至星期日”作为图表数据标签(X轴) 'values': '=Sheet1!$B$'+cur_row+':$H$'+cur_row, #频道一周所有数据作 #为数据区域 'line': {'color': 'black'}, #线条颜色定义为black(黑色) 'name': '=Sheet1!$A$'+cur_row, #引用业务名称为图例项 }) for row in range(2, 7): #数据域以第2~6行进行图表数据系列函数调用 chart_series(str(row)) chart.set_size({'width': 577, 'height': 287}) #设置图表大小 chart.set_title ({'name': u'爬虫分析'}) #设置图表(上方)大标题 chart.set_y_axis({'name': 'count'}) #设置y轴(左侧)小标题 worksheet.insert_chart('A8', chart) #在A8单元格插入图表 workbook.close() #关闭Excel文档

由于这里只有一张图片,通过vba 代码很容易生成图片 。方法为,打开该excel 图表,通过alt + F11 快捷键打开宏编辑界面;打开VB编辑器的立即窗口:”视图“-”立即窗口“,或者使用快捷键"Ctrl + G" ,接着输入如下代码

activesheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export "C:chart.png"

按 " Enter " 键后,会在C盘生成上面的生成的chart图表。



#coding: utf-8 import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('chart_column.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1}) # 这是个数据table的列 headings = ['Number', 'Batch 1', 'Batch 2'] data = [ [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [10, 40, 50, 20, 10, 50], [30, 60, 70, 50, 40, 30], ] worksheet.write_row('A1', headings, bold) worksheet.write_column('A2', data[0]) worksheet.write_column('B2', data[1]) worksheet.write_column('C2', data[2]) ############################################ #创建一个图表,类型是column chart1 = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column'}) # 配置series,这个和前面wordsheet是有关系的。 chart1.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$B$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7', 'values': '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7', }) # Configure a second series. Note use of alternative syntax to define ranges. chart1.add_series({ 'name': ['Sheet1', 0, 2], 'categories': ['Sheet1', 1, 0, 6, 0], 'values': ['Sheet1', 1, 2, 6, 2], }) # Add a chart title and some axis labels. chart1.set_title ({'name': 'Results of sample analysis'}) chart1.set_x_axis({'name': 'Test number'}) chart1.set_y_axis({'name': 'Sample length (mm)'}) # Set an Excel chart style. chart1.set_style(11) # Insert the chart into the worksheet (with an offset). worksheet.insert_chart('D2', chart1, {'x_offset': 25, 'y_offset': 10}) ####################################################################### # # Create a stacked chart sub-type. # chart2 = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column', 'subtype': 'stacked'}) # Configure the first series. chart2.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$B$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7', 'values': '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7', }) # Configure second series. chart2.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$C$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7', 'values': '=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$7', }) # Add a chart title and some axis labels. chart2.set_title ({'name': 'Stacked Chart'}) chart2.set_x_axis({'name': 'Test number'}) chart2.set_y_axis({'name': 'Sample length (mm)'}) # Set an Excel chart style. chart2.set_style(12) # Insert the chart into the worksheet (with an offset). worksheet.insert_chart('D18', chart2, {'x_offset': 25, 'y_offset': 10}) ####################################################################### # # Create a percentage stacked chart sub-type. # chart3 = workbook.add_chart({'type': 'column', 'subtype': 'percent_stacked'}) # Configure the first series. chart3.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$B$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7', 'values': '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7', }) # Configure second series. chart3.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$C$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7', 'values': '=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$7', }) # Add a chart title and some axis labels. chart3.set_title ({'name': 'Percent Stacked Chart'}) chart3.set_x_axis({'name': 'Test number'}) chart3.set_y_axis({'name': 'Sample length (mm)'}) # Set an Excel chart style. chart3.set_style(13) # Insert the chart into the worksheet (with an offset). worksheet.insert_chart('D34', chart3, {'x_offset': 25, 'y_offset': 10}) workbook.close()

同一数据源上面创建了三种类型的图 ,由于有三张图,上面的导出一张图的方法肯定是不行了,这里打开宏,创建如下宏内容:

Sub exportimg() Dim XlsChart As ChartObject For Each XlsChart In Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects XlsChart.Chart.Export Filename:="C:" & XlsChart.Name & ".jpg", FilterName:="JPG" Next End Sub


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