KBEngine 是一款开源的游戏服务端引擎,使用简单的约定协议就能够使客户端与服务端进行交互,
使用KBEngine插件能够快速与(Unity3D, OGRE, Cocos2d, HTML5, 等等)技术结合形成一个完整的客户端。
/* This source file is part of KBEngine For the latest info, see http://www.kbengine.org/ Copyright (c) 2008-2012 KBEngine. KBEngine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. KBEngine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with KBEngine. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef KBE_CSTDKBE_HPP #define KBE_CSTDKBE_HPP #include "cstdkbe/platform.hpp" #include "cstdkbe/singleton.hpp" #include "cstdkbe/kbeversion.hpp" #include "cstdkbe/kbemalloc.hpp" #include "cstdkbe/stringconv.hpp" #include "cstdkbe/format.hpp" namespace KBEngine{ /** 安全的释放一个指针内存 */ #define SAFE_RELEASE(i) if (i) { delete i; i = NULL; } /** 安全的释放一个指针数组内存 */ #define SAFE_RELEASE_ARRAY(i) if (i) { delete[] i; i = NULL; } #ifdef CODE_INLINE #define INLINE inline #else #define INLINE #endif /** kbe时间 */ extern GAME_TIME g_kbetime; /** 账号的类别 */ enum ACCOUNT_TYPE { ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL = 1, // 普通账号 ACCOUNT_TYPE_MAIL = 2, // email账号(需激活) ACCOUNT_TYPE_SMART = 3 // 智能识别 }; enum ACCOUNT_FLAGS { ACCOUNT_FLAG_NORMAL = 0x00000000, ACCOUNT_FLAG_LOCK = 0x000000001, ACCOUNT_FLAG_NOT_ACTIVATED = 0x000000002 }; /** entity的mailbox类别 */ enum ENTITY_MAILBOX_TYPE { MAILBOX_TYPE_CELL = 0, MAILBOX_TYPE_BASE = 1, MAILBOX_TYPE_CLIENT = 2, MAILBOX_TYPE_CELL_VIA_BASE = 3, MAILBOX_TYPE_BASE_VIA_CELL = 4, MAILBOX_TYPE_CLIENT_VIA_CELL = 5, MAILBOX_TYPE_CLIENT_VIA_BASE = 6, }; /** mailbox的类别对换为字符串名称 严格和ENTITY_MAILBOX_TYPE索引匹配 */ const char ENTITY_MAILBOX_TYPE_TO_NAME_TABLE[][8] = { "cell", "base", "client", "cell", "base", "client", "client", }; /** 定义服务器各组件类别 */ enum COMPONENT_TYPE { UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE = 0, DBMGR_TYPE = 1, LOGINAPP_TYPE = 2, BASEAPPMGR_TYPE = 3, CELLAPPMGR_TYPE = 4, CELLAPP_TYPE = 5, BASEAPP_TYPE = 6, CLIENT_TYPE = 7, MACHINE_TYPE = 8, CONSOLE_TYPE = 9, MESSAGELOG_TYPE = 10, BOTS_TYPE = 11, WATCHER_TYPE = 12, BILLING_TYPE = 13, COMPONENT_END_TYPE = 14, }; /** 当前服务器组件类别和ID */ extern COMPONENT_TYPE g_componentType; extern COMPONENT_ID g_componentID; /** 定义服务器各组件名称 */ const char COMPONENT_NAME[][255] = { "unknown", "dbmgr", "loginapp", "baseappmgr", "cellappmgr", "cellapp", "baseapp", "client", "kbmachine", "console", "messagelog", "bots", "watcher", "billing", }; const char COMPONENT_NAME_1[][255] = { "unknown ", "dbmgr ", "loginapp ", "baseappmgr ", "cellappmgr ", "cellapp ", "baseapp ", "client ", "kbmachine ", "console ", "messagelog ", "bots", "watcher", "billing", }; inline const char* COMPONENT_NAME_EX(COMPONENT_TYPE CTYPE) { if(CTYPE < 0 || CTYPE >= COMPONENT_END_TYPE) { return COMPONENT_NAME[UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE]; } return COMPONENT_NAME[CTYPE]; } inline const char* COMPONENT_NAME_EX_1(COMPONENT_TYPE CTYPE) { if(CTYPE < 0 || CTYPE >= COMPONENT_END_TYPE) { return COMPONENT_NAME_1[UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE]; } return COMPONENT_NAME_1[CTYPE]; } inline COMPONENT_TYPE ComponentName2ComponentType(const char* name) { for(int i=0; i<(int)COMPONENT_END_TYPE; i++) { if(kbe_stricmp(COMPONENT_NAME[i], name) == 0) return (COMPONENT_TYPE)i; } return UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE; } // 所有的组件列表 const COMPONENT_TYPE ALL_COMPONENT_TYPES[] = {BASEAPPMGR_TYPE, CELLAPPMGR_TYPE, DBMGR_TYPE, CELLAPP_TYPE, BASEAPP_TYPE, LOGINAPP_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE, CONSOLE_TYPE, MESSAGELOG_TYPE, WATCHER_TYPE, BILLING_TYPE, BOTS_TYPE, UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE}; // 所有的后端组件列表 const COMPONENT_TYPE ALL_SERVER_COMPONENT_TYPES[] = {BASEAPPMGR_TYPE, CELLAPPMGR_TYPE, DBMGR_TYPE, CELLAPP_TYPE, BASEAPP_TYPE, LOGINAPP_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE, MESSAGELOG_TYPE, WATCHER_TYPE, BILLING_TYPE, BOTS_TYPE, UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE}; // 所有的后端组件列表 const COMPONENT_TYPE ALL_GAME_SERVER_COMPONENT_TYPES[] = {BASEAPPMGR_TYPE, CELLAPPMGR_TYPE, DBMGR_TYPE, CELLAPP_TYPE, BASEAPP_TYPE, LOGINAPP_TYPE, BILLING_TYPE, UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE}; // 所有的辅助性组件 const COMPONENT_TYPE ALL_HELPER_COMPONENT_TYPE[] = {MESSAGELOG_TYPE, UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE}; // 返回是否是一个有效的组件 #define VALID_COMPONENT(C_TYPE) ((C_TYPE) > 0 && (C_TYPE) < COMPONENT_END_TYPE) // 前端应用的类别, All client type enum COMPONENT_CLIENT_TYPE { UNKNOWN_CLIENT_COMPONENT_TYPE = 0, // 移动类,手机,平板电脑 // Mobile, Phone, Pad(Allowing does not contain Python-scripts and entitydefs analysis, can be imported protocol from network) CLIENT_TYPE_MOBILE = 1, // 独立的Windows/Linux/Mac应用程序(包含python脚本,entitydefs解析与检查entitydefs的MD5,原生的) // Windows/Linux/Mac Application program (Contains the Python-scripts, entitydefs parsing and check entitydefs-MD5, Native) CLIENT_TYPE_PC = 2, // 不包含Python脚本,entitydefs协议可使用网络导入 // Web, HTML5, Flash CLIENT_TYPE_BROWSER = 3, // 包含Python脚本,entitydefs解析与检查entitydefs的MD5,原生的 // bots (Contains the Python-scripts, entitydefs parsing and check entitydefs-MD5, Native) CLIENT_TYPE_BOTS = 4, // 轻端类, 可不包含python脚本,entitydefs协议可使用网络导入 // Mini-Client(Allowing does not contain Python-scripts and entitydefs analysis, can be imported protocol from network) CLIENT_TYPE_MINI = 5, // End CLIENT_TYPE_END = 6 }; /** 定义前端应用的类别名称 */ const char COMPONENT_CLIENT_NAME[][255] = { "UNKNOWN_CLIENT_COMPONENT_TYPE", "CLIENT_TYPE_MOBILE", "CLIENT_TYPE_PC", "CLIENT_TYPE_BROWSER", "CLIENT_TYPE_BOTS", "CLIENT_TYPE_MINI", }; // 所有前端应用的类别 const COMPONENT_CLIENT_TYPE ALL_CLIENT_TYPES[] = {CLIENT_TYPE_MOBILE, CLIENT_TYPE_PC, CLIENT_TYPE_BROWSER, CLIENT_TYPE_BOTS, CLIENT_TYPE_MINI, UNKNOWN_CLIENT_COMPONENT_TYPE}; typedef int8 CLIENT_CTYPE; // 前端是否支持浮点数 // #define CLIENT_NO_FLOAT // 一个cell的默认的边界或者最小大小 #define CELL_DEF_MIN_AREA_SIZE 500.0f /** 一个空间的一个chunk大小 */ #define SPACE_CHUNK_SIZE 100 /** 检查用户名合法性 */ inline bool validName(const char* name, int size) { if(size >= 256) return false; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { char ch = name[i]; if((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch == '_')) continue; return false; } return true; } inline bool validName(const std::string& name) { return validName(name.c_str(), name.size()); } /** 检查email地址合法性 严格匹配请用如下表达式 [a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])? */ #ifdef USE_REGEX #include <regex> #endif inline bool email_isvalid(const char *address) { #ifdef USE_REGEX std::tr1::regex _mail_pattern("([a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])"); return std::tr1::regex_match(accountName, _mail_pattern); #endif int len = strlen(address); if(len <= 3) return false; char ch = address[len - 1]; if(!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'))) return false; int count = 0; const char *c, *domain; static const char *rfc822_specials = "()<>@,;:"[]"; /* first we validate the name portion (name@domain) */ for (c = address; *c; c++) { if (*c == '"' && (c == address || *(c - 1) == '.' || *(c - 1) == '"')) { while (*++c) { if (*c == '"') break; if (*c == '' && (*++c == ' ')) continue; if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return false; } if (!*c++) return false; if (*c == '@') break; if (*c != '.') return false; continue; } if (*c == '@') break; if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return false; if (strchr(rfc822_specials, *c)) return false; } if (c == address || *(c - 1) == '.') return false; /* next we validate the domain portion (name@domain) */ if (!*(domain = ++c)) return false; do { if (*c == '.') { if (c == domain || *(c - 1) == '.') return false; count++; } if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return false; if (strchr(rfc822_specials, *c)) return false; } while (*++c); return (count >= 1); } } #endif // KBE_CSTDKBE_HPP