发布时间:2016-12-28 来源:查字典编辑

复制代码 代码如下:

/* File name: bmpTest.c

Author: WanChuan XianSheng

Date: Oct 01, 2011

Description: Show all Info a bmp file has. including

FileHeader Info, InfoHeader Info and Data Part.

Reference: BMP图像数据的C语言读取源码


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define BITMAPFILEHEADERLENGTH 14 // The bmp FileHeader length is 14

#define BM 19778 // The ASCII code for BM

/* Test the file is bmp file or not */

void bmpFileTest(FILE* fpbmp);

/* To get the OffSet of header to data part */

void bmpHeaderPartLength(FILE* fpbmp);

/* To get the width and height of the bmp file */

void BmpWidthHeight(FILE* fpbmp);

/* Show bmp file tagBITMAPFILEHEADER info */

void bmpFileHeader(FILE* fpbmp);

/* Show bmp file tagBITMAPINFOHEADER info */

void bmpInfoHeader(FILE* fpbmp);

/* Show the Data Part of bmp file */

void bmpDataPart(FILE* fpbmp);

unsigned int OffSet = 0; // OffSet from Header part to Data Part

long BmpWidth = 0; // The Width of the Data Part

long BmpHeight = 0; // The Height of the Data Part

int main(int argc, char* argv[])


/* Open bmp file */

FILE *fpbmp = fopen("lena.bmp", "r+");

if (fpbmp == NULL)


fprintf(stderr, "Open lena.bmp failed!!!n");

return 1;


bmpFileTest(fpbmp); //Test the file is bmp file or not

bmpHeaderPartLength(fpbmp); //Get the length of Header Part

BmpWidthHeight(fpbmp); //Get the width and width of the Data Part

//bmpFileHeader(fpbmp); //Show the FileHeader Information

//bmpInfoHeader(fpbmp); //Show the InfoHeader Information

bmpDataPart(fpbmp); //Reserve the data to file


return 0;


/* Test the file is bmp file or not */

void bmpFileTest(FILE* fpbmp)


unsigned short bfType = 0;

fseek(fpbmp, 0L, SEEK_SET);

fread(&bfType, sizeof(char), 2, fpbmp);

if (BM != bfType)


fprintf(stderr, "This file is not bmp file.!!!n");




/* To get the OffSet of header to data part */

void bmpHeaderPartLength(FILE* fpbmp)


fseek(fpbmp, 10L, SEEK_SET);

fread(&OffSet, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

//printf("The Header Part is of length %d.n", OffSet);


/* To get the width and height of the bmp file */

void BmpWidthHeight(FILE* fpbmp)


fseek(fpbmp, 18L, SEEK_SET);

fread(&BmpWidth, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&BmpHeight, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

//printf("The Width of the bmp file is %ld.n", BmpWidth);

//printf("The Height of the bmp file is %ld.n", BmpHeight);


/* Show bmp file tagBITMAPFILEHEADER info */

void bmpFileHeader(FILE* fpbmp)


unsigned short bfType; //UNIT bfType;

unsigned int bfSize; //DWORD bfSize;

unsigned short bfReserved1; //UINT bfReserved1;

unsigned short bfReserved2; //UINT bfReserved2;

unsigned int bfOffBits; //DWORD bfOffBits;

fseek(fpbmp, 0L, SEEK_SET);

fread(&bfType, sizeof(char), 2, fpbmp);

fread(&bfSize, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&bfReserved1, sizeof(char), 2, fpbmp);

fread(&bfReserved2, sizeof(char), 2, fpbmp);

fread(&bfOffBits, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);


printf("*************tagBITMAPFILEHEADER info***********n");


printf("bfType is %d.n", bfType);

printf("bfSize is %d.n", bfSize);

printf("bfReserved1 is %d.n", bfReserved1);

printf("bfReserved2 is %d.n", bfReserved2);

printf("bfOffBits is %d.n", bfOffBits);


/* Show bmp file tagBITMAPINFOHEADER info */

void bmpInfoHeader(FILE* fpbmp)


unsigned int biSize; // DWORD biSize;

long biWidth; // LONG biWidth;

long biHeight; // LONG biHeight;

unsigned int biPlanes; // WORD biPlanes;

unsigned int biBitCount; // WORD biBitCount;

unsigned int biCompression; // DWORD biCompression;

unsigned int biSizeImage; // DWORD biSizeImage;

long biXPelsPerMerer; // LONG biXPelsPerMerer;

long biYPelsPerMerer; // LONG biYPelsPerMerer;

unsigned int biClrUsed; // DWORD biClrUsed;

unsigned int biClrImportant; // DWORD biClrImportant;

fseek(fpbmp, 14L, SEEK_SET);

fread(&biSize, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biWidth, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biHeight, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biPlanes, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biBitCount, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biCompression, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biSizeImage, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biXPelsPerMerer, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biYPelsPerMerer, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biClrUsed, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);

fread(&biClrImportant, sizeof(char), 4, fpbmp);


printf("*************tagBITMAPINFOHEADER info***********n");


printf("biSize is %d. n", biSize);

printf("biWidth is %ld.n", biWidth);

printf("biHeight is %ld.n", biHeight);

printf("biPlanes is %d. n", biPlanes);

printf("biBitCount is %d. n", biBitCount);

printf("biCompression is %d. n", biCompression);

printf("biSizeImage is %d. n", biSizeImage);

printf("biXPelsPerMerer is %ld.n", biXPelsPerMerer);

printf("biYPelsPerMerer is %ld.n", biYPelsPerMerer);

printf("biClrUsed is %d. n", biClrUsed);

printf("biClrImportant is %d. n", biClrImportant);


/* Show the Data Part of bmp file */

void bmpDataPart(FILE* fpbmp)


int i, j;

unsigned char bmpPixel[BmpWidth][BmpHeight];

unsigned char* bmpPixelTmp = NULL;

FILE* fpDataBmp;

/* New a file to save the data matrix */

if((fpDataBmp=fopen("bmpData.dat","w+")) == NULL)


fprintf(stderr, "Failed to construct file bmpData.dat.!!!");



fseek(fpbmp, OffSet, SEEK_SET);

if ((bmpPixelTmp=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*BmpWidth*BmpHeight))==NULL)


fprintf(stderr, "Data allocation failed.!!!n");



fread(bmpPixelTmp, sizeof(char), BmpWidth*BmpHeight, fpbmp);

/* Read the data to Matrix and save it in file bmpData.dat */

for(i =0; i < BmpHeight; i++)


fprintf(fpDataBmp, "The data in line %-3d:n", i+1);

for(j = 0; j < BmpWidth; j++)


bmpPixel[i][j] = bmpPixelTmp[BmpWidth*(BmpHeight-1-i)+j];

//fwrite(&chartmp, sizeof(char), 1, fpDataBmp);

fprintf(fpDataBmp, "%-3d ", bmpPixel[i][j]);

if ((j+1)%32 == 0)


fprintf(fpDataBmp, "n");




/* Used to test the data read is true or false

You can open the file using Matlab to compare the data */

//printf("bmpPixel[2][3] is %d.n", bmpPixel[2][3]);

//printf("bmpPixel[20][30] is %d.n", bmpPixel[20][30]);




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