发布时间:2016-12-28 来源:查字典编辑



期间参考了很多资料,比较有用的大概是ffmpeg和比较新的Api mediaCodec系列了。介于ffmpeg都是C实现,和一大堆NDK相关,本人不是太懂,就重点关注了MediaCodec系列。







private Bitmap first; private void handleFrameData(byte[] data, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info) { //YUV420sp转RGB数据 5-60ms ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); YuvImage yuvImage = new YuvImage(data, ImageFormat.NV21, srcWidth, srcHeight, null); yuvImage.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight), 100, out); byte[] imageBytes = out.toByteArray(); //旋转图像,顺便解决电脑上播放被旋转90度的问题 20-50ms Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length); Bitmap bitmap = rotaingImageView(videoRotation, image); image.recycle(); //渲染文字 0-1ms Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); canvas.drawText(videoTimeFormat.format(videoFirstTime + info.presentationTimeUs / 1000), 10, 30, paint); //预览处理帧 0-5ms first = bitmap; handler.sendEmptyMessage((int) (info.presentationTimeUs / 1000)); synchronized (MediaCodec.class) {//记得加锁 timeDataContainer.add(new Frame(info, bitmap)); } } /* * 旋转图片 * @param angle * @param bitmap * @return Bitmap */ public Bitmap rotaingImageView(int angle, Bitmap bitmap) { //旋转图片 动作 Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.postRotate(angle); // 创建新的图片 return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true); }


/** * 获取夹了时间戳的的数据 * * @return */ private Frame getFrameData() { synchronized (MediaCodec.class) {//记得加锁 if (timeDataContainer.isEmpty()) { return null; } //从队列中获取数据 Frame frame = timeDataContainer.remove(0);////取出后将此数据remove掉 既能保证PCM数据块的取出顺序 又能及时释放内存 //转回YUV420sp 120-160ms = getNV21(dstWidth, dstHeight, frame.bitmap); return frame; } } public static byte[] getNV21(int width, int height, Bitmap scaled) { int[] argb = new int[width * height]; scaled.getPixels(argb, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); byte[] yuv = new byte[width * height * 3 / 2]; encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, width, height); scaled.recycle(); return yuv; } /** * 将bitmap里得到的argb数据转成yuv420sp格式 * 这个yuv420sp数据就可以直接传给MediaCodec,通过AvcEncoder间接进行编码 * * @param yuv420sp 用来存放yuv420sp数据 * @param argb 传入argb数据 * @param width 图片width * @param height 图片height */ public static void encodeYUV420SP(byte[] yuv420sp, int[] argb, int width, int height) { final int frameSize = width * height; int yIndex = 0; int uvIndex = frameSize; int a, R, G, B, Y, U, V; int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { // a = (argb[index] & 0xff000000) >> 24; // a is not used obviously R = (argb[index] & 0xff0000) >> 16; G = (argb[index] & 0xff00) >> 8; B = (argb[index] & 0xff) >> 0; // well known RGB to YUV algorithm Y = ((66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16; U = ((-38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; V = ((112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; // NV21 has a plane of Y and interleaved planes of VU each sampled by a factor of 2 // meaning for every 4 Y pixels there are 1 V and 1 U. Note the sampling is every other // pixel AND every other scanline. yuv420sp[yIndex++] = (byte) ((Y < 0) ? 0 : ((Y > 255) ? 255 : Y)); if (j % 2 == 0 && index % 2 == 0) { yuv420sp[uvIndex++] = (byte) ((V < 0) ? 0 : ((V > 255) ? 255 : V)); yuv420sp[uvIndex++] = (byte) ((U < 0) ? 0 : ((U > 255) ? 255 : U)); } index++; } } }



/** * 初始化编码器 */ private void initMediaEncode(String mime) { try { MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, dstWidth, dstHeight); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, 1024 * 512); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, 27); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible); // format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 1); mediaEncode = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); mediaEncode.configure(format, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mediaEncode == null) { JLog.e(tag, "create mediaEncode failed"); return; } mediaEncode.start(); }



@deprecated Use {@link #COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible}。

public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar = 21;


case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: MediaFormat format = mediaDecode.getOutputFormat(); Log.d(tag, "New format " + format); if (format != null && format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT)) { videoColorFormat = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT); Log.d(tag, "decode extract get videoColorFormat =" + videoColorFormat);//解码得到视频颜色格式 } initMediaEncode(videoColorFormat);//根据颜色格式初始化编码器 break;


import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Build; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by user on 2016/8/13. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) public class TestCodecService extends Service { private MediaExtractor extractor; private MediaMuxer muxer; private final static String tag = "px"; private final String TAG = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); private MediaFormat format; private int videoMaxInputSize = 0, videoRotation = 0; private long videoDuration; private boolean decodeOver = false, encoding = false, mCancel, mDelete; //视频流在数据流中的序号 private int videoTrackIndex = -1; private MediaCodec mediaDecode, mediaEncode; private ByteBuffer[] decodeInputBuffers, decodeOutputBuffers; private ArrayList<Frame> timeDataContainer;//数据块容器 private MediaCodec.BufferInfo decodeBufferInfo; private int srcWidth, srcHeight, dstWidth, dstHeight; private SimpleDateFormat videoTimeFormat; private int mProgress, mMax; private VideoCodecDao codecDao; //绘制时间戳的画笔 private Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); JLog.d(TAG, "onCreate"); //视频时间戳显示格式 videoTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); timeDataContainer = new ArrayList<>(); //初始化画笔工具 paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); paint.setTextSize(20); codecDao = VideoCodecDao.getInstance(JingRuiApp.getJRApplicationContext()); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); JLog.d(TAG, "onDestroy"); decodeOver = true; encoding = false; } private void init(String srcPath, String dstpath) { MediaMetadataRetriever mmr = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); mmr.setDataSource(srcPath); try { srcWidth = Integer.parseInt(mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH)); srcHeight = Integer.parseInt(mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { extractor = new MediaExtractor(); extractor.setDataSource(srcPath); String mime = null; for (int i = 0; i < extractor.getTrackCount(); i++) { //获取码流的详细格式/配置信息 MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i); mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); if (mime.startsWith("video/")) { videoTrackIndex = i; this.format = format; } else if (mime.startsWith("audio/")) { continue; } else { continue; } } extractor.selectTrack(videoTrackIndex); //选择读取视频数据 //创建合成器 srcWidth = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH); dstHeight = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT); videoMaxInputSize = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE); videoDuration = format.getLong(MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION); //videoRotation = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_ROTATION); videoRotation = 90;//低版本不支持获取旋转,手动写入了 if (videoRotation == 90) { dstWidth = srcHeight; dstHeight = srcWidth; } else if (videoRotation == 0) { dstWidth = srcWidth; dstHeight = srcHeight; } mMax = (int) (videoDuration / 1000); //int bit = this.format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE); JLog.d(tag, "videoWidth=" + srcWidth + ",videoHeight=" + srcHeight + ",videoMaxInputSize=" + videoMaxInputSize + ",videoDuration=" + videoDuration + ",videoRotation=" + videoRotation); //写入文件的合成器 muxer = new MediaMuxer(dstpath, MediaMuxer.OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4); //向合成器添加视频轨 //videoTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(format); MediaCodec.BufferInfo videoInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); videoInfo.presentationTimeUs = 0; initMediaDecode(mime); initMediaEncode(mime); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //抽出每一帧 @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) private void extract() { int inputIndex = mediaDecode.dequeueInputBuffer(-1);//获取可用的inputBuffer -1代表一直等待,0表示不等待 建议-1,避免丢帧 if (inputIndex < 0) { JLog.d("px", "=========== code over ======="); return; } ByteBuffer inputBuffer = decodeInputBuffers[inputIndex];//拿到inputBuffer inputBuffer.clear(); int length = extractor.readSampleData(inputBuffer, 0); //读取一帧数据,放到解码队列 if (length < 0) { JLog.d("px", "extract Over"); decodeOver = true; return; } else { //获取时间戳 long presentationTimeUs = extractor.getSampleTime(); MediaCodec.BufferInfo videoInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); videoInfo.offset = 0; videoInfo.size = length; //获取帧类型,只能识别是否为I帧 videoInfo.flags = extractor.getSampleFlags(); videoInfo.presentationTimeUs = extractor.getSampleTime(); //解码视频 decode(videoInfo, inputIndex); extractor.advance(); //移动到下一帧 } } private void handleFrameData(byte[] data, MediaCodec.BufferInfo info) { //YUV420sp转RGB数据 5-60ms ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); YuvImage yuvImage = new YuvImage(data, ImageFormat.NV21, srcWidth, srcHeight, null); yuvImage.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight), 100, out); byte[] imageBytes = out.toByteArray(); //旋转图像 20-50ms Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length); Bitmap bitmap = rotaingImageView(videoRotation, image); image.recycle(); //渲染文字 0-1ms Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); canvas.drawText(videoTimeFormat.format(mVideo.videoCreateTime + info.presentationTimeUs / 1000), 10, 30, paint); //通知进度 0-5ms mProgress = (int) (info.presentationTimeUs / 1000); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onProgress(mProgress, mMax); } synchronized (MediaCodec.class) {//记得加锁 timeDataContainer.add(new Frame(info, bitmap)); } } public static byte[] getNV21(int width, int height, Bitmap scaled) { int[] argb = new int[width * height]; scaled.getPixels(argb, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); byte[] yuv = new byte[width * height * 3 / 2]; encodeYUV420SP(yuv, argb, width, height); scaled.recycle(); return yuv; } /** * 将bitmap里得到的argb数据转成yuv420sp格式 * 这个yuv420sp数据就可以直接传给MediaCodec,通过AvcEncoder间接进行编码 * * @param yuv420sp 用来存放yuv420sp数据 * @param argb 传入argb数据 * @param width 图片width * @param height 图片height */ public static void encodeYUV420SP(byte[] yuv420sp, int[] argb, int width, int height) { final int frameSize = width * height; int yIndex = 0; int uvIndex = frameSize; int a, R, G, B, Y, U, V; int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { // a = (argb[index] & 0xff000000) >> 24; // a is not used obviously R = (argb[index] & 0xff0000) >> 16; G = (argb[index] & 0xff00) >> 8; B = (argb[index] & 0xff) >> 0; // well known RGB to YUV algorithm Y = ((66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16; U = ((-38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; V = ((112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; // NV21 has a plane of Y and interleaved planes of VU each sampled by a factor of 2 // meaning for every 4 Y pixels there are 1 V and 1 U. Note the sampling is every other // pixel AND every other scanline. yuv420sp[yIndex++] = (byte) ((Y < 0) ? 0 : ((Y > 255) ? 255 : Y)); if (j % 2 == 0 && index % 2 == 0) { yuv420sp[uvIndex++] = (byte) ((V < 0) ? 0 : ((V > 255) ? 255 : V)); yuv420sp[uvIndex++] = (byte) ((U < 0) ? 0 : ((U > 255) ? 255 : U)); } index++; } } } /** * 获取夹了时间戳的的数据 * * @return */ private Frame getFrameData() { synchronized (MediaCodec.class) {//记得加锁 if (timeDataContainer.isEmpty()) { return null; } //从队列中获取数据 Frame frame = timeDataContainer.remove(0);////取出后将此数据remove掉 既能保证PCM数据块的取出顺序 又能及时释放内存 //转回YUV420sp 120-160ms = getNV21(dstWidth, dstHeight, frame.bitmap); return frame; } } /* * 旋转图片 * @param angle * @param bitmap * @return Bitmap */ public Bitmap rotaingImageView(int angle, Bitmap bitmap) { //旋转图片 动作 Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.postRotate(angle); // 创建新的图片 return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true); } /** * 初始化解码器 */ private void initMediaDecode(String mime) { try { //创建解码器 mediaDecode = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(mime); mediaDecode.configure(format, null, null, 0); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mediaDecode == null) { JLog.e(tag, "create mediaDecode failed"); return; } mediaDecode.start(); decodeInputBuffers = mediaDecode.getInputBuffers(); decodeOutputBuffers = mediaDecode.getOutputBuffers(); decodeBufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();//用于描述解码得到的byte[]数据的相关信息 } /** * 初始化编码器 */ private void initMediaEncode(String mime) { try { MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, dstWidth, dstHeight); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, 1024 * 512); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, 27); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible); // format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COLOR_FORMAT, MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities.COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar); format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 1); mediaEncode = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); mediaEncode.configure(format, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mediaEncode == null) { JLog.e(tag, "create mediaEncode failed"); return; } mediaEncode.start(); } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) private void decode(MediaCodec.BufferInfo videoInfo, int inputIndex) { mediaDecode.queueInputBuffer(inputIndex, 0, videoInfo.size, videoInfo.presentationTimeUs, videoInfo.flags);//通知MediaDecode解码刚刚传入的数据 //获取解码得到的byte[]数据 参数BufferInfo上面已介绍 10000同样为等待时间 同上-1代表一直等待,0代表不等待。此处单位为微秒 //此处建议不要填-1 有些时候并没有数据输出,那么他就会一直卡在这 等待 MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); int outputIndex = mediaDecode.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 50000); switch (outputIndex) { case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: JLog.d(tag, "INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED"); decodeOutputBuffers = mediaDecode.getOutputBuffers(); break; case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: JLog.d(tag, "New format " + mediaDecode.getOutputFormat()); break; case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: JLog.d(tag, "dequeueOutputBuffer timed out!"); break; default: ByteBuffer outputBuffer; byte[] frame; while (outputIndex >= 0) {//每次解码完成的数据不一定能一次吐出 所以用while循环,保证解码器吐出所有数据 outputBuffer = decodeOutputBuffers[outputIndex];//拿到用于存放PCM数据的Buffer frame = new byte[bufferInfo.size];//BufferInfo内定义了此数据块的大小 outputBuffer.get(frame);//将Buffer内的数据取出到字节数组中 outputBuffer.clear();//数据取出后一定记得清空此Buffer MediaCodec是循环使用这些Buffer的,不清空下次会得到同样的数据 handleFrameData(frame, videoInfo);//自己定义的方法,供编码器所在的线程获取数据,下面会贴出代码 mediaDecode.releaseOutputBuffer(outputIndex, false);//此操作一定要做,不然MediaCodec用完所有的Buffer后 将不能向外输出数据 outputIndex = mediaDecode.dequeueOutputBuffer(decodeBufferInfo, 50000);//再次获取数据,如果没有数据输出则outputIndex=-1 循环结束 } break; } } /** * 编码 */ private void encode() { //获取解码器所在线程输出的数据 byte[] chunkTime; Frame frame = getFrameData(); if (frame == null) { return; } chunkTime =; int inputIndex = mediaEncode.dequeueInputBuffer(-1);//同解码器 if (inputIndex < 0) { JLog.d("px", "dequeueInputBuffer return inputIndex " + inputIndex + ",then break"); mediaEncode.signalEndOfInputStream(); } ByteBuffer inputBuffer = mediaEncode.getInputBuffers()[inputIndex];//同解码器 inputBuffer.clear();//同解码器 inputBuffer.put(chunkTime);//PCM数据填充给inputBuffer inputBuffer.limit(frame.videoInfo.size); mediaEncode.queueInputBuffer(inputIndex, 0, chunkTime.length, frame.videoInfo.presentationTimeUs, frame.videoInfo.flags);//通知编码器 编码 MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); int outputIndex = mediaEncode.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 50000);//同解码器 switch (outputIndex) { case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: JLog.d(tag, "INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED"); break; case MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED: MediaFormat outputFormat = mediaEncode.getOutputFormat(); outputFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_ROTATION, videoRotation); JLog.d(tag, "mediaEncode find New format " + outputFormat); //向合成器添加视频轨 videoTrackIndex = muxer.addTrack(outputFormat); muxer.start(); break; case MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER: JLog.d(tag, "dequeueOutputBuffer timed out!"); break; default: ByteBuffer outputBuffer; while (outputIndex >= 0) {//同解码器 outputBuffer = mediaEncode.getOutputBuffers()[outputIndex];//拿到输出Buffer muxer.writeSampleData(videoTrackIndex, outputBuffer, bufferInfo); // JLog.d("px", "writeSampleData:" + bufferInfo.size); mediaEncode.releaseOutputBuffer(outputIndex, false); outputIndex = mediaEncode.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 50000); } break; } } private void release() { //全部写完后释放MediaMuxer和MediaExtractor extractor.release(); mediaDecode.release(); mediaEncode.release(); muxer.stop(); muxer.release(); } private DecodeRunnable decodeRunnable; private EncodeRunnable encodeRunnable; /** * 解码线程 */ private class DecodeRunnable extends Thread { @Override public void run() { decodeOver = false; while (!decodeOver) { try { extract(); } catch (Exception e) { //抓住删除文件造成的异常 JLog.e("px", e.toString()); } synchronized (encodeRunnable) { encodeRunnable.notify(); } } } } /** * 编码线程 */ private class EncodeRunnable extends Thread { @Override public void run() { encoding = true; while (encoding) { if (timeDataContainer.isEmpty()) { if (decodeOver) {//解码完成,缓存也清空了 break; } try { synchronized (encodeRunnable) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { encode(); } } release(); encoding = false; handler.sendEmptyMessage(-2);//发送消息完成任务 } } android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case -2: onComplete(); break; default: break; } } }; public void onComplete() { if (mDelete) {//delete请求,是在cancel事件前提下 mDelete = false; new File(mVideo.srcPath).delete();//主动请求删除,删源文件,和数据库 codecDao.deleteItem(mVideo); JLog.d("px", "delete file " + mVideo.srcPath); } else { mVideo.finish = mCancel ? 0 : 100; codecDao.createOrUpdate(mVideo);//更新数据库状态为已完成,或闲置中 } if (mCancel) {//中途取消 mCancel = false; new File(mVideo.dstPath).delete();//取消,删除目标文件 JLog.d("px", "delete file " + mVideo.dstPath); } else {//顺利完成 new File(mVideo.srcPath).delete();//成功,删除源文件 JLog.d("px", "delete file " + mVideo.srcPath); } if (mListener != null) { mListener.onCodecFinish(mVideo); } if (!videos.isEmpty()) { VideoCodecModel video = videos.remove(0); start(video); } } class Frame { MediaCodec.BufferInfo videoInfo; byte[] data; Bitmap bitmap; public Frame(MediaCodec.BufferInfo videoInfo, Bitmap bitmap) { this.videoInfo = videoInfo; this.bitmap = bitmap; } } private long getInterval() { //用第一二帧获取帧间隔 long videoSampleTime; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 512); //获取源视频相邻帧之间的时间间隔。(1) extractor.readSampleData(buffer, 0); //skip first I frame if (extractor.getSampleFlags() == MediaExtractor.SAMPLE_FLAG_SYNC) extractor.advance(); extractor.readSampleData(buffer, 0); long firstVideoPTS = extractor.getSampleTime(); extractor.advance(); extractor.readSampleData(buffer, 0); long SecondVideoPTS = extractor.getSampleTime(); videoSampleTime = Math.abs(SecondVideoPTS - firstVideoPTS); JLog.d(tag, "videoSampleTime is " + videoSampleTime); return videoSampleTime; } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { JLog.d(TAG, "onStartCommand"); super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); if (intent == null) { return START_NOT_STICKY; } int action = intent.getIntExtra("action", 0); if (action == REQUEST_CODEC) { VideoCodecModel video = (VideoCodecModel) intent.getSerializableExtra("video"); video = codecDao.addItem(video); if (!encoding) { start(video); } else { videos.add(video); } } else if (action == REQUEST_CODEC_CANCEL) { VideoCodecModel video = (VideoCodecModel) intent.getSerializableExtra("video"); mDelete = intent.getBooleanExtra("delete", false);//是否删除旧文件 JLog.d("px", "----- onStartCommand action " + action + " is delete" + mDelete); mBinder.cancel(video); } return START_NOT_STICKY; } @Nullable @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { JLog.d(TAG, "onBind"); return mBinder; } private CodecBinder mBinder = new CodecBinder(); private VideoCodecModel mVideo; //video下载的任务队列 private List<VideoCodecModel> videos = new ArrayList<>(); public static final int REQUEST_CODEC = 0x183; public static final int REQUEST_CODEC_CANCEL = 0x184; public class CodecBinder extends Binder { /** * @param video * @return 是否可以执行, 或等待执行 */ public boolean start(VideoCodecModel video) { video = codecDao.addItem(video); if (!encoding) { TestCodecService.this.start(video); } else { videos.add(video); } return !encoding; } public void setOnProgressChangeListener(OnProgressChangeListener l) { mListener = l; } public VideoCodecModel getCurrentVideo() { return mVideo; } public void cancel(VideoCodecModel video) { if (mVideo.equals(video)) {//正在处理 decodeOver = true;//控制解码线程结束 encoding = false;//控制编码线程结束 mCancel = true;//控制结束后删除文件等 } else {//视频没有正在处理 boolean flag = videos.remove(video); if (flag) { JLog.d("px", "cancel render task sucess"); } else { //并没有这个任务 JLog.d("px", "cancel render task fail,seems this video not in renderring queen"); } //删除源文件 if (mDelete) { mDelete = false; new File(video.srcPath).delete(); codecDao.deleteItem(video); } } } public List<VideoCodecModel> getVideoList() { return videos; } public void removeListener() { mListener = null; } } private void start(VideoCodecModel video) { if (video == null) { return; } if (!new File(video.srcPath).exists()) { Toast.makeText(this, "该视频缓存文件可能已经被删除", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); video.finish = -100; codecDao.createOrUpdate(video); return; } mVideo = video; if (mListener != null) { mListener.onCodecStart(mVideo); } mVideo.finish = 50;//改成处理中 codecDao.createOrUpdate(mVideo); Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { init(mVideo.srcPath, mVideo.dstPath); decodeRunnable = new DecodeRunnable(); decodeRunnable.start(); encodeRunnable = new EncodeRunnable(); encodeRunnable.start(); } }; AsyncTaskExecutor.getExecutor().execute(runnable); } private OnProgressChangeListener mListener; public interface OnProgressChangeListener { void onProgress(int progress, int max); void onCodecStart(VideoCodecModel video); void onCodecFinish(VideoCodecModel video); } } //这是模型类 import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable; import; /** * Created by user on 2016/8/29. */ @DatabaseTable(tableName = "video_codec_task") public class VideoCodecModel implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1307249622002520298L; @DatabaseField public String srcPath; @DatabaseField public String dstPath; @DatabaseField public long videoCreateTime; @DatabaseField(generatedId = true) public int id; //0为被限制的状态,50为渲染中,或渲染队列中,100为已完成,-100为已删除, @DatabaseField public int finish = 0; @DatabaseField public String serno; //操作是用到,不需要存数据库 public boolean select; public VideoCodecModel(String srcPath, String dstPath, long videoCreateTime) { this.srcPath = srcPath; this.videoCreateTime = videoCreateTime; this.dstPath = dstPath; } public VideoCodecModel() { } public String getSrcPath() { return srcPath; } public void setSrcPath(String srcPath) { this.srcPath = srcPath; } public String getDstPath() { return dstPath; } public void setDstPath(String dstPath) { this.dstPath = dstPath; } public long getVideoCreateTime() { return videoCreateTime; } public void setVideoCreateTime(long videoCreateTime) { this.videoCreateTime = videoCreateTime; } public boolean isSelect() { return select; } public void setSelect(boolean select) { = select; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof VideoCodecModel)) return false; VideoCodecModel that = (VideoCodecModel) o; if (videoCreateTime != that.videoCreateTime) return false; if (!srcPath.equals(that.srcPath)) return false; return dstPath.equals(that.dstPath); } } //用来查看水印任务完成状态,和监控Service运行的界面Activity,,Activity的打开与否,不影响服务的运行 import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.PopupMenu; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.TextView; import ... import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Created by user on 2016/8/29. */ public class ShowCodecActivity extends BaseActivity implements TestCodecService.OnProgressChangeListener, View.OnClickListener { private TextView noneTipsView; private List<VideoCodecModel> videos = new ArrayList<>(), cordingVideos; private ListView listView; private BaseAdapter adapter; private View firstTips; @Nullable VideoCodecModel curShowVideo, curRenderVideo; TestCodecService.CodecBinder binder; private ProgressBar progressBar; ServiceConnection connection; VideoCodecDao codecDao; private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); private boolean mEditMode = false; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_show_codec); setTitle("签约视频列表"); initView(); if (getIntent() != null) { curShowVideo = (VideoCodecModel) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("video"); } codecDao = VideoCodecDao.getInstance(this); final Intent intent = new Intent(this, TestCodecService.class); connection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { Log.d("px", "onServiceConnected"); binder = (TestCodecService.CodecBinder) service; binder.setOnProgressChangeListener(ShowCodecActivity.this); videos.clear(); curRenderVideo = binder.getCurrentVideo(); cordingVideos = binder.getVideoList(); videos.addAll(codecDao.queryAll()); notifyChange(); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { } }; bindService(intent, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); } private void notifyChange() { if (adapter == null) { adapter = new BaseAdapter() { @Override public int getCount() { return videos.size(); } @Override public VideoCodecModel getItem(int position) { return videos.get(position); } @Override public long getItemId(int position) { return 0; } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final Holder holder; if (convertView == null) { convertView = View.inflate(ShowCodecActivity.this, R.layout.item_show_codec, null); holder = new Holder(); = (ProgressBar) convertView.findViewById(; holder.status = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.serno = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; = convertView.findViewById(; holder.time = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.operate = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.checkBox = (CheckBox) convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (Holder) convertView.getTag(); } final VideoCodecModel video = getItem(position); if (video.finish == 100) { holder.status.setText("已完成"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.operate.setText("操作"); } else if (video.finish == -100) { holder.status.setText("已删除"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else if (video.equals(curRenderVideo)) { progressBar =; holder.status.setText("处理中"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else if (cordingVideos.contains(video)) { holder.status.setText("等待中"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.operate.setText("取消"); } else { holder.status.setText("未处理"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.operate.setText("开始"); } holder.operate.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (video.finish == 100) { operate(holder.status, video); } else if (video.finish == -100) { return; } else if (video.equals(curRenderVideo)) {//已经在编码中,不可操作 return; } else if (cordingVideos.contains(video)) {//已经在编码队列中,可取消 binder.cancel(video); holder.status.setText("未处理"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.operate.setText("开始"); } else { boolean immedia = binder.start(video); if (immedia) { holder.status.setText("处理中"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { holder.status.setText("等待中"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.operate.setText("取消"); } } } }); ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); holder.serno.setText(video.serno); holder.time.setText(dateFormat.format(new Date(video.videoCreateTime))); holder.checkBox.setVisibility(mEditMode ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); holder.checkBox.setChecked(video.isSelect()); holder.checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { video.setSelect(isChecked); } }); return convertView; } }; listView.setAdapter(adapter); } else { adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } noneTipsView.setVisibility(videos.isEmpty() ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); more.setVisibility(mEditMode ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); back.setVisibility(mEditMode ? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE); checkBox.setVisibility(mEditMode ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } class Holder { ProgressBar bar; TextView status, serno, time, operate; View select; CheckBox checkBox; } private void initView() { listView = (ListView) findViewById(; noneTipsView = (TextView) findViewById(; listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { VideoCodecModel video = videos.get(position); operate(view, video); } }); listView.setOnItemLongClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { if (mEditMode) { return false; } mEditMode = true; //启动编辑模式不记住从前的选中状态 for (VideoCodecModel video : videos) { if ( = false; } checkBox.setChecked(false); notifyChange(); return true; } }); firstTips = findViewById(; boolean visable = Preferences.getBoolean("firstShowCodec", true); firstTips.setVisibility(visable ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); if (visable) findViewById( View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Preferences.put("firstShowCodec", false); firstTips.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); checkBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { for (VideoCodecModel model : videos) { model.setSelect(isChecked); } notifyChange(); } }); more.setText("操作"); more.setOnClickListener(this); } private void operate(View view, final VideoCodecModel video) { if (video.finish != 100) { return; } PopupMenu popupMenu = new PopupMenu(ShowCodecActivity.this, view); popupMenu.getMenu().add(1, 0, 0, "预览或发送"); popupMenu.getMenu().add(1, 1, 1, "删除"); popupMenu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case 0: previewVideo(video.dstPath); break; case 1: File file = new File(video.dstPath); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } codecDao.deleteItem(video); videos.remove(video); if (cordingVideos.contains(video)) { binder.cancel(video); } notifyChange(); break; } return true; } });; } @Override public void onProgress(int progress, int max) { if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setMax(max); progressBar.setProgress(progress); } } @Override public void onCodecStart(VideoCodecModel video) { JLog.d("px", "onCodecStart"); curRenderVideo = video; int index = videos.indexOf(video); if (index >= 0) { View child = listView.getChildAt(index); Holder holder = (Holder) child.getTag(); holder.status.setText("处理中"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); progressBar =; } } @Override public void onCodecFinish(VideoCodecModel video) { JLog.d("px", "onCodecFinish"); if (progressBar != null) { progressBar.setProgress(0); } int index = videos.indexOf(video); videos.get(index).finish = 100; if (index >= 0) { View child = listView.getChildAt(index); Holder holder = (Holder) child.getTag(); holder.status.setText("已完成"); holder.operate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.operate.setText("操作"); progressBar = null; } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { if (binder != null) binder.removeListener(); unbindService(connection); super.onDestroy(); } private void previewVideo(String filePath) { //预览录像 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); String type = "video/mp4"; Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://" + filePath); intent.setDataAndType(uri, type); startActivity(intent); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (mEditMode) { mEditMode = false; notifyChange(); return; } super.onBackPressed(); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu(this, v); // menu.getMenu().add(1, 0, 0, "发送"); menu.getMenu().add(1, 1, 1, "删除"); menu.getMenu().add(1, 2, 2, "取消"); menu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case 0: break; case 1: deleteSelect(); break; case 2: mEditMode = false; notifyChange(); break; } return true; } });; break; } } //删除所选 private void deleteSelect() { final ProgressDialog dialog =, null, null); AsyncTask<String, String, Boolean> task = new AsyncTask<String, String, Boolean>() { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(String... params) { boolean has = false;//是否选到可以删除的,有可能并未有任何选择 for (VideoCodecModel video : videos) { if ( { File file; if (video.finish == 100) { file = new File(video.dstPath); } else { file = new File(video.srcPath); } if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } codecDao.deleteItem(video); if (!has) { has = true; } } } if (has) { videos.clear(); videos.addAll(codecDao.queryAll()); } return has; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean s) { mEditMode = false; notifyChange(); dialog.dismiss(); } }; task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTaskExecutor.getExecutor()); } }


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