太极越狱V2.1.3用户必读 更新内容汇总_iphone教程-查字典教程网
太极越狱V2.1.3用户必读 更新内容汇总
太极越狱V2.1.3用户必读 更新内容汇总
发布时间:2016-12-23 来源:查字典编辑




1. Update log:


a) Fix the issue of getting stuck at 20% while jailbreaking.


b) Update the latest Cydia 1.1.18 and UIKitTools; fix the issue of icon missing after jailbreak.


c) Fix long startup time of iPhone 4s after jailbreak.


d) Fix the issue that TaiG Jailbreak Tool doesn’t work on the virtual machine.


TaiG Jailbreak Tool V2.1.3 integrates the latest Cydia and UIKitTools, and fixes the issue of getting stuck at 20% while jailbreaking. This version is available for download now. Click here for details.


TaiG Jailbreak Tool V2.1.3 is out on June 28, 2015. This version integrates the latest Cydia and UIKitTools, fixes the issues of icon missing after jailbreak and getting stuck at 20% while jailbreaking. The new version also fixes the issues that TaiG Jailbreak Tool doesn’t run on the virtual machine, and it takes a long time to start up on iPhone 4s after jailbreak.. For the latest information, please follow @TaiG_Jailbreak on Twitter or install 3K Assistant.


Jailbreak process in the mobile phone screen and stuck in a white screen (different models of small probability problem), the user can be by pressing the home + power key to restart the jailbreak.


I. TaiG Jailbreak Tool V2.1.2 Update Log

a) 修复越狱时卡在20%、60%的问题并适配新版iTunes驱动;

a) Fix issues of getting stuck at 20% and 60%, and match the latest version of iTunes driver;

b) 兼容Cydia Substrate(原Mobile Substrate);

b) Compatible of Cydia Substrate (the original Mobile Substrate);

c) 修复与Apple Watch配对的设备在越狱后“设置”无内容的问题。

c) Fix the blank page on Settings while matching Apple Watch with iDevice.

d) 修复UIcache的问题。

D) fixes the problem of UIcache.


II. Update Tips

a) 尚未越狱的用户,直接通过太极V2.1.2版执行越狱即可。若发现其他问题,可联系QQ群:468348289进行反馈;

a) Users, who haven't jailbroken their devices, can jailbreak directly with TaiG Jailbreak Tool V2.1.2. If any problem, please contact us at taigjailbreak@163.com.

b) 已越狱的用户请通过太极源(apt.taig.com)或3K源(apt.3kzhushou.com)更新TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether 即可。无需重新越狱。

b) Users, who have jailbroken their devices, can update either TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether through TaiG source (apt.taig.com) or 3K source (apt.3kzhushou.com). There is no need to jailbreak again.

目前 ,PP助手未经许可擅自修改了iOS8.3太极完美越狱程序的导入表,将其自行开发的taig2.dll强行注入到太极程序中,并在其官方页面发布了该版本,号称“全球首发,完美兼容”。此种恶劣行为严重侵犯了太极越狱团队的著作权,触犯了相关法律法规。太极越狱团队已向所有用户发出呼吁与提示:太极团队从未授权PP助手修改其越狱工具,也未与其有过任何合作。同时,3K助手作为太极越狱官方(http://www.taig.com/)唯一推荐助手,也对类似卑劣的手段与行为发出强烈的谴责!

Currently, we find that PP Assistant modifies the import table of the untether TaiG Jailbreak Tool for iOS 8.3 without our authorization, forcibly injects taig2.dll, developed by itself, into TaiG program, and releases it on its official website, claiming it as "World Premiere, Perfectly Compatible". This is a serious infringement of TaiG Team's copyright. PP Assistant has violated related laws and regulations. TaiG Team has appealed to the public that TaiG Team has never authorized PP Assistant to modify TaiG Jailbreak Tool and has no cooperation with them. In addition, 3K Assistant, as the one and only assistant recommended by TaiG (www.taig.com), also strongly condemns PP Assistant's illegal behavior.

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