发布时间:2015-10-09 来源:查字典编辑

When Gerber started selling baby food inAfrica, they used the same packaging as in the US, with the smiling baby on thelabel. Later they learned that in Africa, companies routinely put pictures onthe labels of what's inside, since many people can't read.


Pepsi's Come Alive With the PepsiGeneration translated into Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back Fromthe Grave in Chinese.

百事的口号Come Alive With the Pepsi Generation(百事新一代(产品)带给你活力)翻译成中文是PepsiBrings Your Ancestors Back From the Grave(百事把你的祖先从坟墓里带出来),alive也表示活着的,comealive,可以理解为重生

Coors put its slogan, Turn ItLoose, into Spanish, where it was read as Suffer FromDiarrhea.

银子弹啤酒的口号Turn It Loose(让他释放吧~),翻译成西班牙文的时候,读音和

Suffer From Diarrhea(腹泻带来的痛苦) 的西班牙读音一样。

Clairol introduced the MistStick, a curling iron, into Germany only to find out thatmist is slang for manure. Not too many people had use for theManure Stick.

伊卡璐在给德国人推广其产品Mist Stick,一种卷发的电棍时,令到德国人哭笑不得


Scandinavian vacuum manufacturerElectrolux used the following in an American campaign: Nothing Sucks likean Electrolux.

斯堪的纳维亚吸尘器制造商伊莱克斯在美洲推广其吸尘器时,用了这句广告Nothing Sucks like an Electrolux.


The Coca-Cola name in China was firstread as Kekoukela, meaning Bite the Wax Tadpole orFemale Horse Stuffed with Wax, depending on the dialect. Coke thenresearched 40,000 characters to find a phonetic equivalentkokoukole, translating into Happiness in the Mouth.

可口可乐来到中国,开始时翻译成kekoukela,某些方言里就是磕口蝌腊(吃一口蜡烛蝌蚪),某些方言里也可以理解成Female Horse Stuffed with Wax(用蜡喂饱的母马??什么意思?哪位强人知道?)



General Motors had a very famous fiascoin trying to market the Nova car in Central and South America. Nova in Spanish means, It Doesn't Go.


The Dairy Association's huge successwith the campaign Got Milk? prompted them to expand advertising toMexico. It was soon brought to their attention the Spanish translation readAre You Lactating?

The Dairy Association(联合乳业?)成功的口号GotMilk?(你今日饮左未啊...汗,我真是天才),迅速地发展到了墨西哥,但不幸地,又是西班牙语,翻译成了Are You Lactating?(你正在处于喂bb的时候吗?)的ws玩意儿。

An American T-shirt maker in Miamiprinted shirts for the Spanish market which promoted the Pope's visit. Insteadof I saw the Pope (el Papa), the shirts read I Saw thePotato (la papa).

一间美国迈亚密tshirt制造厂为一间被罗马教皇(POPE)许下承诺要来参观的西班牙市场印tshirt时,原本想印刷的el Papa(I saw the Pope)(我看见了罗马教皇)被印成了lapapa(I Saw the Potato)(我见到了薯仔)


When American Airlines wanted toadvertise its new leather first class seats in the Mexican market, ittranslated its Fly In Leather campaign literally, which meantFly Naked (vuela en cuero) in Spanish.

美航在墨西哥做其具有真皮座位头等舱的广告时,用了这与句口号Fly In Leather(在皮革上飞翔),在西班牙语里逐字翻译就是Fly Naked(vuela en cuero) (飞翔的天体~)

Frank Perdue's chicken slogan, Ittakes a strong man to make a tender chicken, was translated into Spanishas it takes an aroused man to make a chicken affectionate.

Frank Perdue's chicken(鸡场)的口号Ittakes a strong man to make a tender chicken(如此鲜嫩的鸡肉需要一个壮男来制造)翻译成西班牙语就变成了it takes an aroused man to make a chicken affectionate(亲爱的,制造一些鸡肉需要激起男人强大的情欲)


Colgate introduced a toothpaste inFrance called Cue, the name of a notorious porno magazine.


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