发布时间:2015-10-02 来源:查字典编辑


1.一目了然是大前提 邮件标题 我见过这样的邮件标题: 我公司名称缩写客户公司名称缩写Meeting minutes and execution plan for your approval and updates on timeline project status + contact list follow up 这样的标题: 答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:答复:creative update on FY15 campaign planning 这样的标题: MeetinMinutes EXECUTION plan for ur approval - very URGENJTE 以及一个字母的标题 空白的标题 以及点开以后发现文不对题的标题 你们一定是故意的。故意让大家看不到重点,故意让大家找拼写错误,故意让大家耽误时间,但是犬们,咱们效率高一点其实是可以有时间去干别的事情的,简单直接高效一点,可以不? 当邮件涵盖内容很多时,只放总结性词语或者摘选最高重要性话题吧: Campaign Updates FY16 Moving Forward Request For Approval 当邮件已经被转发答复答复所有人一万次的以后,大家动动手,删掉前面那些字行吗? Creative update on FY15 campaign planning 标点符号后面空格,大小写统一,拼写正确,写正确的标题,要求不高吧? Urgent | Execution Plan For Approval 2.一目了然是主心骨 邮件正文 有一天看到一封要和客户着急确认创意的邮件: Yo Colin I hope u r donig well. It was a great meeting we had last week with management team, and we have some really urgent creatives pending from your confirmation, which means the whole production crew is waiting and we are not able to move forward, so it will impact the launch of the campaign as well as channel activations according to our timeline updated in last email, i know you don't agree with our last approach, so we have adjusted: 1. XXXXXX 1) with this and this and it a) so it is like this and that a-1) wasd wasd wasd wasd a-1-1) this and that but this yet that - actually this but that wasd wasd * wasd wasd wasd * wasd wasd wasd + if we do not confirm by today we will lose our preferred talent, which is very important and is the key to our success of the campaign. 2. XXXXXX 1) with this and this and it 2) so it is like this and that a-1) wasd wasd wasd wasd a-1-1) this and that but this yet that - actually this but that wasd wasd * wasd wasd wasd * wasd wasd wasd Talking about this, it is actually one of our top priority for now internally, so please assured that we have put our best creative resources on it per discussion with your management team. It is very urgent, please confirm. Cheers mate, Pattt 用简洁明了的小标题分段落 给眼睛一下子有落脚的地 用不多于3个数字或序号分隔符 太冗长的阶梯式信息没有重点 用不带主观色彩被动式语句说话 专业 专业 专业 用清楚的行为指导关键字 不然谁知道你要干嘛啊 只对最关键内容加粗或下划线或标记颜色 满篇的加粗下划线高亮红色文字是你能受还是谁能受 修改篇: Hi Colin Hope this email finds you well. Following our meeting with management team last week, please see below updated creative list for your kind approval BY TODAY: ITEM XXXX 1. Debrief: xxx 2. Updates: 3. Agency Recommendation: 4. Deadline: ITEM XXXX 1. Debrief: xxx 2. Updates: 3. Agency Recommendation: 4. Deadline: URGENT 1. By TODAY: 2. By THIS WEEK: 3. By W/O Aug 15: Late approval will result in delay in production, hence launch of the campaign, your prompt feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you. Pat 3.刚刚好 最多一屏 邮件长度 邮件就是邮件,不是用来聊天的微信,不是让人洋洋洒洒一万字的博客(撕逼和预防将来撕逼除外),不是和闺蜜的私信,太长或者太短都不好,点开以后,不用拉动滚动条就能够一览无余是最佳长度。

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