Creating Links inKompoZerCreating Links Within theSame PageTo create a link within the same page, for example a link that thereader can use tojump from one section to another, you must create an anchor(target location),and then create a link that points to the anchor. Anchors are alsocallednamed anchors.
Click to place the insertion point at the beginning of a line where you want to create an anchor, or select some text. Click on anchor button or open the Insert menu and choose Named Anchor. You see the Named Anchor Properties dialog box. Type a unique name for the anchor in the Anchor Name field (up to 30 characters). If you include spaces, they will be converted to underscores ( _ ). If you selected some text in step 1, this box already contains a name. Click OK. An anchor icon appears in your document to mark the anchor's location:
To create the link on which readers can click to jump to theanchor:
Select the text or image that you want to link to the anchor. Click the Link button or open the Insert menu and choose Link. You see the Link Properties dialog box. If you're creating a link to an HTML file on your computer, click Choose File to locate it. If you're creating a link to a named anchor (target), select it from the list of the anchors currently available in the page. If you're creating a link to a level heading (for example, Heading 1 - Heading 6), select it from the list of headings currently available in the page. Click OK. Note: To test the link you just created, open theFile menu and choose Browse Page,then click the link.
Tip: If you did not first create named anchors,you can use the Link dialog box tocreate links to headings that already occur in the page.
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Creating Links to OtherPagesYou can create links from your page to local pages on your owncomputer or on your workplace's network, or to remote pages on theInternet.
Tip: It's best to first save or publish your pagebefore you create links to other pages. This allows KompoZerto automatically use relative references for links once you createthem.
To create a link to anotherpage:
Click to place the insertion point where you want to create a link, or select the text or image that you want to link to the anchor. Click the Link button. You see the Link Properties dialog box. Define your link: Link text: If you've already selected an image file or text before clicking the Link button, the selected text or file will be entered here. Otherwise, you must enter the text that you want to use as the link. Link Location: Type the local path and filename or remote URL of the page you want to link to. If you're not sure of the path and filename for a local file, click Choose File to look for it on your hard disk or network. For remote URLs, you can copy the URL from the browser location field. Alternatively, you can select a named anchor or a heading in the current page that you want to link to. URL is relative to page location: If checked, KompoZer converts the URL to be relative to the page's location. This is especially useful if you plan to publish your pages to a web server so that others can view them. Using relative URLs allows you to keep all your linked files in the same place relative to each other, regardless of their location on your hard disk or a web server. Deselecting this option causes KompoZer to convert the URL to a full (absolute) URL. You typically use absolute URLs when linking to pages on other web servers (not stored locally on your hard disk).
If you have unsaved changes, you must first save the page in order to enable this checkbox.
To apply additional attributes or JavaScript events, click Advanced Edit to display the Advanced Property Editor. Click OK. To test the link you just created, click the Browse button and then click the link to make sure it works as expected.Tip: You can copy a link quickly by clicking anddragging the link from another window and then dropping it onto yourpage. For example, you can click and drag a link from a web page,bookmark, or Mail window and drop it onto your page. You can alsoright-click (Control+click on Mac OS) a link on a web page and chooseCopy Link Location from the menu. Then you can paste the link locationinto the Link Location field in the Link Properties dialog box.
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Adding XFNInformation Within Your LinksWhile creating links on your web page to other people's web pages,KompoZer provides the feature of including XFN (XHTML Friends Network)information. The XFN is a simple way to represent human relationshipsusing hyperlinks. To add XFN information:
Right click on the link in which you want to add the XFN information. Select "Link Properties". In the "Link Properties" dialog window, click on "More Properties". Select the corresponding entries under "Friendship" section to be added as XFN information. Click on "OK". Click on "Save" to save changes/addition in document.Note: Some XFN properties are radio-button typei.e. pick at most one, others are check boxes i.e. pick as many.
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Using Images as LinksYou can make images, such as JPEG, GIF, or PNG files, behave likelinks in your pages. When the reader clicks a linked image, thebrowser window displays the page that the image is linked to.
Select an image on your page. Click the Link button on the toolbar, or open the Insert menu and choose Link. Use the Link Properties dialog box to link the image to a named anchor or heading within the page, or to a separate local or remote page.Tip: Drag and drop a linked image from theNavigator window into a KompoZer window to copy both the imageand the link.
Note: To remove the blue border on images used aslinks, open the Link Properties dialog box, click the Link tab, anduncheck "Show border around linked image".
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Removing or DiscontinuingLinksTo remove a link:
Select the linked text (normally blue and underlined) or image. Open the Format menu and choose Remove Links.To discontinue a link, so that text you type after the link is notincluded as part of the link:
Click to place the insertion point where you want the link to end. Open the Format menu and choose Discontinue Link.[ Return to beginning of section]