Working with Templates
Working with Templates
发布时间:2015-03-10 来源:查字典编辑

Working With TemplatesHTML templates are useful in cases where the author has to createseveral pages which have similar design but different content. WithKompoZer you can design your own templates and use them as a basis for yourweb pages.

Creating a Template To create a template: Click on File > New, or click on the arrow besides "New" button and select "More Options" Select Blank Template and click on "Create Add and format the content which will remain the same in every page with same methods used to edit normal text in a web page. For the content which will be different in the web pages, Editable Area can be inserted by clicking on Insert > Templates > Editable Area. Options available for an editable area are: Area is Optional Area is Repeatable Area is Movable Save the file as an .mzt Template file.Tip: You can Remove an editable area or make anarea editable using the status bar. For details refer Using Status Barfor Formatting Your Web Page.

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Using a TemplateTo use a Template for authoring web pages:

Click on File > Open or use keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+N" Select the option "A New Document based on a Template" and choose the template to use by clicking on "Choose File" Click on Create Edit the content in the editable areas. Save the file as an html document.Tip: Click on Edit > DetachFrom Template to detach a document from its template.

Tip: Transformation of existing document into atemplate and vice-versa can be achieved by checking(unchecking) the"Templates" option in Format > Page Title and Properties.


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